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  1. A

    Grade 'Personal Foul'

    La_Guera, I love you! You have put into words what I've been thinking about the whole D/L/R debacle. Of late, I've been forced to DVR the show so that I can fast forward past the D/L crapfest. I have come to resent the time suckage that it takes away from both the primary storylines and the...
  2. A

    Character flaws, foibles, annoyances and aggravations

    Interesting topic. I do have a pet peeve that may be considered more writer oriented than character oriented. I do realize that CSI (in all three of its variations) is about the "science guys", not the "cop guys". But why do the writers have to make the cops morons? In CSI:NY, Flack is the...
  3. A

    Grade 'Admissions'

    This is the show that I enjoy. It reminded me of epis like Hung Out to Dry and Bad Beat. It has good pacing, snappy banter between the gang, unexpected twists. Adam and Sid were both so excellent that their scenes were just gems. Danny was barely seen, but he was his cocky, snarky witty...
  4. A

    Grade 'Like Water for Murder'

    Hi Abby, welcome to the board. :) Yeah, honestly, she wouldn't be able to tell that. In the episode they determine it to be slate, so I would have thought that the obvious choice would have been that it was from a roof tile, but that's just me. Because I'm in the mood for looking things up, I...
  5. A

    Grade 'Like Water for Murder'

    Hello! I've been lurking here for a while. But something about this epi has been driving me crazy and I just have to ask a question. How in the world does Lindsey determine that the tiny crumble of stone in the vics clothing was from a gravestone??? I mean, come on, you would be able to tell...