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  1. C

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

    Ireland is NOT the UK.
  2. C

    CBS Pulls 'Chaos' From The Schedule

    Pulling a show after just 3 episodes? Who do they think they are, Fox? ;-)
  3. C

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

    (snicker) just as well not all procedurals show us these steps, other the likes of NCIS LA would do nothing *but* be investigated by I.A.!
  4. C

    The "Best CSI LV Quotes" Thread

    (early S1 episode) Warwick to David "You're just saying that because you have a crush on [Sarah]" David "No, that's why I put on a clean shirt!"
  5. C

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    Well you can't blame Anna Belknap for that. From what I've heard, the main reason behind the pairing/marriage of Danny/Lindsay was Gary Sinise's objection to having a character on the show be an unwed mother.
  6. C

    Forlani Snags Recurring Role On 'NCIS: LA'

    Sadly, the way Hollywood is these days, it wouldn't surprize me if TPTB decided to replace Linda for that very reason. The fact that she's won an Oscar for acting probably doesn't count as much as looks.
  7. C

    Forlani Snags Recurring Role On 'NCIS: LA'

    Um, let's hope this is a very short recurring role. Didn't particularly like Peyton and certainly don't like the implications that she might be replacing somebody.
  8. C

    Dr. Peyton Driscoll/Claire Forlani Thread #1

    Oh hell no. I love NCIS LA and if they replace Hetty with somebody as insipid as Peyton was, they'll ruin it. blech.
  9. C

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    The episode when Stella and Angel locked a guy in a shipping container bound for Greece. That's kidnapping for a start, and the guy could easily have died on the journey which would have been felony murder.
  10. C

    "Hitting for the Cycle" **SPOILERS**

    He pawned the trophy for $1,000 and used it to make payments up to date on the insurance policy that he had been behind on. Ipecac (sp?) isn't actually a poison as such. It's main use is as an emetic i.e. it makes people vomit. Technically you couldn't actually kill somebody directly with...
  11. C

    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    I hate it when people seem to assume that their views reflect the views of the entire viewing audience "we want this, we want that" etc. I for one actually like Jo a lot better than I did Stella (although if Jo ever commits a felony like Stella did, I'll probably change my mind. And...
  12. C

    CBS Announces Season Finale Dates

    Friday the 13th for CSI NY? Oh dear, that feels somewhat ominous...
  13. C

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 4

    Ugh, I don't dislike Ray, but I've always felt that season premieres and finales in an ensemble show should be team based and not focusing on one character to the exclusion of most of the others. Same goes for landmark episodes (150, 200, etc) This is his 3rd season finale, and the 2nd one...
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    Season 7 Spoiler Discussion part 2 - Fighting Crime In Gotham

    It would be disappointing indeed if CSI NY was cancelled, all the more so if the decision comes down *after* they've wrapped for the season. If they're going to cancel it, I just wish they'd made the decision early enough that a good decent finale could be written and aired and not just ending...
  15. C

    Grade 'Do or Die'

    A bit of fridge logic here. So they discover that the bullied girl was definitely at the murder scene, right about the time the murder happened...and they just leave it at that? They don't investigate her further, see if maybe she'd had a motive? Why ignore her for most of the episode until...
  16. C

    Grade 'Do or Die'

    Given the way that most of the witnesses to the death seemed more interested in blogging and/or tweeting about it, I can't see that any of them were especially traumatized.
  17. C

    "The List" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Oh thank goodness I wasn't the only one who didn't immediately think of dinner ;-)
  18. C

    Grade 'The Untouchable'

    I thought that Mac was using an emergency phone that only connected to a 911 operator.
  19. C

    Grade 'Vigilante'

    It's called an 'imminent threat'. Shane Casey was in her house with her child and had a gun in his hand. He wasn't there for any purpose other than to cause harm to her and her family. She used lethal force to prevent a serious crime. *that* is why she got a medal. If she'd gone out and...