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  1. RocketScientist

    William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

    I actually bought some sunglasses just like those deliberately from the internet..... how sad is that? ren4e You want beard with baby blues....
  2. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions well I will be the first to eat my hat if he lives! I like Warrick very much but this is great drama and the shock at the end of For Gedda.... shucks we are all still reeling from it. PS *So* glad he is not doing that tacky rehab show, without even...
  3. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions oh oh dare I say it??? Yes, no, ohhh, yes..."dream-on desertwind"!! He is DEAD!! dead, dead, dead, DEAD. :devil: But don't worry, you will be able to see him everyweek in rehab.......:bolian:
  4. RocketScientist

    William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

    Re: Top 10 (1) Yummy! Those eyes in the Way to go image! WOW so hot thanks. How I ****WISH**** they would do another episode like Jackpot! Wall-go-wall Grissom. That would sky rocket the ratings and put Grey's Anatomy in the shade..... Have you noticed how the ratings always perk up when...
  5. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions Gosh, really?? That impression surprises me. Hey do you think they will do a "Dallas" with Warrick? Have him return in a year stepping out of the shower and have the whole previous season be a "dream"? That must be a shark I see the Fonz jumping...
  6. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions I hadn't noticed much discussion on that at all here. It is true there are no real spoiler information coming out so I guess that means we discuss our speculations about what *could* be happening. If that is frustrating then we maybe need a thread that...
  7. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions I guess you are a Nick fan, myfuturecsi! Interesting about Nick. I had not noticed Grissom being harder on him in S1-3 I will look out for that. One thing I like about the show is the way everyone appears to misjudge Grissom - like in "The accused is...
  8. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions I agree with what most people are saying here. I think as long as MH is on the show Cath will be supervisor. I actually think she was a terrible boss! (I had better say 'in my personal option' - as if that were not self evident - as lots of you seem vexed...
  9. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions It would be an interesting new dynamic. Different than Keppler. I don't think Nick would be put in charge. I see him ultimately taking Grissom's mantle but I think too soon, with Cath still there and Warrick so recent it would be a bad managment decision...
  10. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions Hey wolfesgamergirl don't be so hard on us - lets face it we have very little in the way of *rea*l spoilers so we have to have somewhere to vent! Thinks "OH No cannot post something about Grissom as there has not been equal mention of Judy in the spoiler...
  11. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions
  12. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions My view of Ecklie was alway that he was basically honest just not very good as a CSI compared to the others, and he knows that. These type of people tend to be tin-pot dictators not evil. When you re-watch that last scene with McKeen - the cold look in...
  13. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions Interesting,but I thought from Grissom getting her Rosary beads from his desk drawer that time when he said "they were my mother's" it sounded past tense so I took it she had passed away. But of course it does necessarily mean that. Definitely an...
  14. RocketScientist

    William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

    For me there is only one all time fav picture........ smoking!
  15. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions Well said, desertwind, I agree. The writers are exceptional on that show. It is why the show is so popular.
  16. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions I like the idea of Greg taking issue with her for her sudden departure but with him also being sympathetic as he saw her in the locker room "loosing it". I agree too that Nick will be too torn up about Warrick. It all should make for some great drama...
  17. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions Does anyone have any theories as to how they are going to have Grissom missing for several weeks again seeing as how WP is due to do his play again? Since he cannot go on another sabbatical then I guess the options are: -not mention it at all. A bit...
  18. RocketScientist

    William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

    What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! the beauty of the world, the paragon of animals.............. Describe anyone we know?!!!:):):) :)
  19. RocketScientist

    William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

    Is that a placard or is he just pleased to see us? He seems to be having fun. I guess he is used to having to heft such a heavy burden like that.....:devil: Hey, why is he wearing two pairs of sunglasses? he's wearing one and has another pair tucked into his T shirt collar. I guess he is so...
  20. RocketScientist

    This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

    Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions BIG SPOILER: Here is Gary Dourdon's *complete* script for Season 9, 10, 11.... CSI S09 E01 Provisional title "For Warrick" SCENE CSI LV09E01_S1 FADE IN EXT: CAR IN SIDE ALLEY - NIGHT/DAWN WARRiCK: "Gurgle, gurgle ..... thud" His head...