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  1. ButterFlied92

    "Law of Gravity" Discussion **Spoilers**

    Oh my gosh, that's all I can say right now. :eek: :eek: I'm just utterly speachless after this episode. I won't lie, I'm tearing :(, and what hurts me the most, shocking me, is that I told my dad earlier, "Grissom's gonna shoot Keppler." I laughed, knowing Grissom wasn't gonna shoot anybody, but...
  2. ButterFlied92

    Criminal Minds

    I've gotten really hooked onto this show, started towards the end of last season, and I absolutely love it and the characters, especially Reid and Gideon. I actually started getting teary throughout the episode, I was so torn up. And when he went into convulsions and basically died, I just sat...
  3. ButterFlied92

    Throughout the years- GSR with a hint of Grillows

    Wow, I just started reading, and this is fantastic! Keep it up, your work always pleases me. :)
  4. ButterFlied92

    The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

    "Nicky, come out and play with me! I'm lonely!" He sat on his haunches, still and quiet, breath light and heart rapidly beating through his tiny chest as he hid in the closet. The door opened to his room and she walked in. 'No, no, no.' Her bare feet trailed softly against his bedroom's dark...
  5. ButterFlied92

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 4

    Oh well, I just happened to be browsing and noticed this one, happened to know it. I'm not much of a movie person, especially something like this, so I think I'll pass it on to Jacquie if you want it. :)
  6. ButterFlied92

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Re: 3rd Post Count Party !! Yay, this is my 500th post! I know it's not much compared to some people, but I consider being on for 7-8 months with 500 posts is pretty good.
  7. ButterFlied92

    For What It's Worth - Nick/Greg

    Aww, this is a really nice fic. I'm not normally into the slash thing, but it works. You're making it work in my head. Nice job, can't wait for the next post. :)
  8. ButterFlied92

    CSI: One Way Out

    Oh wow! Didn't really see that coming! Can't wait, dying, for more!
  9. ButterFlied92

    The Vanished- Part 2 (GSR, like always)

    Re: The Vanished- Part 3 (GSR, like always) Awww! We need to find our boys! Grissom's beating himself over it, how Grissom. Post soon please!
  10. ButterFlied92

    Catherine's Serial Killer

    Wow! Awesome as always, keep it up!
  11. ButterFlied92

    The Linking Game ~ Thread # 4

    Michael Caine was in Batman Begins with Cillian Murphy. **End Link**
  12. ButterFlied92

    Ups And Downs For The Day #4

    Up: It's cold outside! Up: New episode of Criminal Minds tonight! Yay, finally! Up: Harassed father for money for Italy that he was refusing to pay for. Now he's giving one grand towards the total. Down: Geometry test tomorrow. Up: CSI's on tomorrow! Up: One of my best friend's birthday is...
  13. ButterFlied92

    MCSK *No Spoilers*

    Hmm, well if Grissom found Millander, then we all know that they're going to collect the body and conduct and autopsy, etc. since it's a crime scene. I'm sure Doc Robbins would have noticed that it was a fake body. I'll go with spawn of Millander, or maybe an unknown accomplice, but I don't...
  14. ButterFlied92

    Law of Gravity Promo music?

    Does anybody happen to know what the song used in the promo for this week's episode, "Law of Gravity", is? It's catchy, I'd really like to find out. :) Thank you!
  15. ButterFlied92

    The Fury of Love - CatNip RP

    His legs felt slightly heavier, pitched toward the floor. Soft breathing noises startled him, his dark ebony eyes peeling open in the dark. The bright lights of Vegas lit up a trail of delicate blonde hair thrown over a shoulder, the face silhouetted and swallowed by the shadows. "Cat?"...
  16. ButterFlied92

    CSI: Hangman #6

    I'll snag an I please!
  17. ButterFlied92

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. YKYWTMCSIW... -you're at dance rehearsal and CSI comes up. You start going off and this other girl says she loves CSI. You go on to ask her what she thinks of Keppler, with a response of "Who's he?" You then, very rudely, slap yourself on the...
  18. ButterFlied92

    CSI: Hangman #6

    Hmm, may I please take an O?
  19. ButterFlied92

    CSI: Hangman #6

    I know almost all of it except two words! But I'll take a "L" please.
  20. ButterFlied92

    Two Weeks, GSR (rated K)

    Wow, interesting perspective on the whole chrysalis gift and it's meaning and the way things will be when he returns. Waiting for the next installment...