Search results

  1. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    Congrats on surviving another year of torture, Rad! JK! :lol: It really is a great way for you to start your vacation! I am so exited for this eppy. I just spent 10 minutes wiring the tv to the stereo speakers, 15 mins adjusting the equalizer for the perfect tone, 5 mins looking for the stereo...
  2. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    Hiya, Smi! Want a cookie? There WILL be more spoilers before we get to see it. Spoiler Queen Catey will bring us the scoop around 8-ish our time... but I am trying not to read them. So, y'all, if I disappear from the thread you know I am trying to stay strong. But I will be online on IM...
  3. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    *snuggles into the fluffy bubble*[/i] Ah, much better! You gave me good luck, Delia! They let me go home early! Yay! More time to devote to D/L! Hmm, Catey gets to see the ep at 7 my time, and will probably post her spoilers at 8. So I only have to be spoiler free for a couple of hours...
  4. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    *stumbles into thread, rubbing eyes* Yawn. Too early to go to work, I wanna stay home. But only 15 hours till 'Snow Day'!! Delia, I agree they should really let us know what happened with Louie and possibly Tanglewood. I think it is something that could have impact on their relatioship...
  5. mercy

    Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

    After having watched the promo a few hundred times...
  6. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    I think we all have pretty high expectations for tomorrow. I am still biting my nails over the possibilities for the ending, though. On my way home from work, I was behind a car whose license plates said "AZ GIRL". And AZ promptly made me think of AZ's comments... oh no, I've been away from...
  7. mercy

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

    Yep, must be you Auda, because awhile back Lynny was running from Cath... till I tripped her. :devil: She ain't running now. What? Not my fault Cath is so possesive of Nicky. That's what we want after all, right?
  8. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    *wipes soda off laptop* LOL! Have I mentioned recently how much I love you guys? *plays happily in the gutter* I just watched my downloaded clips of the ending of NWILL, ending of LRC, then courtroom scene of SOoH, follwed up by this week's promo. I didn't know it was possible to get this...
  9. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    *Pops my Phantom CD into the player* Y’all make me want to listen to the songs again! So, Mo, are we gonna get one of your epic show review posts after the eppy airs? (don’t have to worry about you following the three lines of OT posting rule, lol) Haven’t had any of those review posts...
  10. mercy

    Our Danny & Linds Soundtrack

    I can’t believe it has been so long since I’ve posted in here! It’s like I’m lurking in here or something, because I have been reading all the lyrics and I have been updating the master song list! WE ARE UP TO 416 SONGS! If you would like a copy of the spreadsheet just PM me with your email...
  11. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    Just a reminder to all of us (me included), Shipper Central Rules state that your posts must include at least three lines of on topic posting. *looks and feels guilty* It is important to remember with such a big episode coming up. The last thing we want is to force poor Modie to lock our thread...
  12. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    ^^Don't forget about LRC! 3x03 Love Run Cold was a very angsty episode, but it was still one of the great ones. The way that they reacted to each other throughout the case, the buildup of the tension, the looks, the emotions... And then the hallway scene? Danny's hurt and protesting trying...
  13. mercy

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Hello, all! I’m back! Below are some links to more pics. I posted the best screencaps out of the bunch (best clarity, expressions, etc). Below I have posted the link to the gallery I found them in, in case you wanted to check the rest out! Enjoy! *wanders off to bed, dreaming of...
  14. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    My mind has been stuck in the gutter all day! I mean, the promo... :devil: geez. You are right, Vex. I don't know anyone who doesn't like cheese dip. I bet Danny and Lindsay... there I go, right back in the gutter again! ;) messermonroe, I know what you mean about watching the promo over and...
  15. mercy

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    Of course I didn't find these until 5 minutes before I have to leave for work, grr. But lookie what I found: I will be back after work to post more pics and to give y'all links to the pics for your own use! MWAH! *blows kisses*
  16. mercy

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

    That damn bat is back.
  17. mercy

    *:·.CatNip.·:* #7: Lets Take This In The Shower

    Mo, Lynny did get to read and review it! I was glad she did too, because other than her, I only got one little review. Now I have 2. Don't people like C/N?
  18. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    :lol: Auda, I meant I'm obsessed. (not that y'all aren't obsessed, too). I sit here wondering where everyone goes, because I think the D/L promo pics are more important than anything real life dishes out. :lol: I TOLD YOU LYNNY'S FLUFFY! I believe Catey is the opener next go 'round. Auda I...
  19. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    *huggles all long time shippy buddies and all newbies, too* I'm so glad I have shippy buddies who understand. :)
  20. mercy

    Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

    It is almost just 5 days to go! Glad to see you are taking control of the remote! Do ya need some oxygen, Mo, after all that running around? Don’t pass out now. Just take a deep breath and SQUEE! I have come to the realization that putting the discovery of D/L promo pictures ahead of real...