Search results

  1. O

    George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

    Okay ladies, I just came back from the Elimination Game and, horror of horrors, Ryan (Miami) is tied for first place with Nick (he was ahead until I gave Nick a point). We have never had such a close game before -- Nick usually runs away with it. However, I've been finding that when they reset...
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    Second for WED. Grissom 8 Catherine 10 Nick 14 (+) Greg 12 Ryan 14 Stella 8 Danny 6 (-)
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st for Wednesday Grissom 8 Catherine 11 Nick 13 (+) Greg 12 Ryan 11 (-) Stella 6 Danny 11
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    2nd on Tuesday Grissom 21 Catherine 21 Nick 34 (+) Warrick 4 Greg 19 Ryan 20 Stella 23 (-) Danny 18
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st for Tuesday Grissom 22 Catherine 20 Nick 31 (+) Warrick 4 (-) Greg 18 Ryan 18 Stella 24 Danny 22
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    Second for Monday Grissom 23 Catherine 21 Nick 31 (+) Warrick 7 Greg 18 Ryan 17 Stella 21 Danny 21 (-)
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    Grissom 22 Catherine 19 Nick 32(+) Warrick 9 Greg 19 Ryan 15 Stella 20 Danny 24 (-) first for monday
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    2nd on Sunday Grissom 22 Catherine 19 Nick 29 (+) Warrick 7 Greg 19 Ryan 19 Stella 23 (-) Danny 22
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st on Sunday Grissom 21 Catherine 20 Nick 32 (+) Warrick 7 (-) Greg 18 Ryan 20 Stella 21 Danny 21
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    2nd for Saturday Grissom 18 Catherine 21 Nick 31 Warrick 7 Greg 17 (+) Ryan 23 (-) Stella 20 Danny 23
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st saturday Grissom 17 Catherine 19 Nick 35 (+) Warrick 7 Greg 16 Ryan 25 Stella 19 Danny 22 (-)
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    2nd on Friday Grissom 19 Catherine 19 Nick 31 (+) Warrick 8 Greg 15 Ryan 26 Stella 18 Danny 23 Hawkes 1 (-)
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    George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

    Babs , you are super awesome -- having those caps ready so soon!! Thanks! Didn't he look just wonderful.
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    George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

    You know, I thought about that afterwards -- like it was a weird mash-up of Grave Danger and Gum Drops, in that she was leaving the clues (and, of course, who has experience following the Hansel and Gretel type clues - why, our Nick does). And agreed Jacquie - a sight for sore eyes, indeed
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st on Friday Grissom 20 Catherine 14 Nick 33 (+) Warrick 7 Greg 15 Ryan 20 Stella 19 Danny 24 Hawkes 8 (-)
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    George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

    Amy - we can discuss the Nick-relevant parts of the eppy in here - this is a Nick discussion thread! I am so happy that tptb let Nick have a major role in the case and in finding her - for once they made good use of his background/experiences. I thought it was interesting when they did the...
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    George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

    Woo Hoo -- New Nick, as we speak -- of course I won't discuss until later (gotta give you west coast folks time to see it....) but I am very happy right now cuz any Nick is good Nick.
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    #2 Thursday Grissom 19 Catherine 17 Nick 35 (+) Warrick 8 Greg 13 Calleigh 3 (-) Ryan 17 Stella 18 Danny 20 Hawkes 10
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    1st for Thursday Grissom 17 Catherine 16 Nick 32 (+) Warrick 8 Greg 13 Calleigh 6 (-) Eric 4 Ryan 16 Mac 3 Stella 15 Danny 20 Hawkes 10
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    CSI Elimination Game #2

    2nd wednesday Grissom 16 Catherine 15 Nick 25 (+) Warrick 8 Greg 13 Calleigh 6 Eric 10 Ryan 20 Mac 2 (-) Stella 15 Danny 19 Hawkes 10