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  1. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ Oho! So George does know how to do the sign. So seriously ... what the heck? As Eurydike said, CSI: isn't a show that would not notice something like that. It really makes no sense to me. I too find it weird that Sara would gossip about one of her friends ... especially Greggo. To me that's...
  2. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ I LOVE the idea of Nick pinning Greg somewhere ... anywhere. I can totally see it, too. Nick would use his muscles and pin Greg to something, but he wouldn't kiss him right off the bat. First Nick would stare intensely into Greg's eyes for a moment, and the younger man would just stare back...
  3. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    I was all ready for Grissom to find Warrick (after slowly coming 'round to the idea) and now this? Hmmm. I think they are definitely putting false spoilers out there, just to throw us off. Or some people are just extremely misguided ... Seriously though ... now I'm really wondering who finds...
  4. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ Nick would definitely be all, "... whuuut???" He'd be all flustered and then he'd just try to get back to the game. Greg would just smirk a bit and also get back into the game. ^^ Oohhh I love it! That is TOTALLY something Greg would say. He wouldn't even be bashful, either. He'd just give...
  5. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ I've always wondered why TPTB didn't make George do that scene over again. Did they think that no one would realize the different between the two signs? ... well, I didn't at first, but now I got it. :alienblush: Anyways--you can totally tell that Eric noticed the mistake, but probably...
  6. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ OMG he actually *does* make the sign. Wow! That's ... hmm. Probably completely unintentional, but maybe it was on purpose? Maybe Greg makes the sign first, then Nick does it later when he's supposed to be saying "Rock on!" ? Hmmmmmm. I completely agree about Nick trying to fit in. I see it...
  7. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    I'm really excited to see how Catherine and Nick handle the team. Catherine will probably run a bit of a tighter ship than Grissom, but who knows how Nick would try to run it. Maybe some clashing ahead for the pair? Hmm.
  8. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ AGREED! Please ... the weather? Feh. Greg's the one heatin' Nicky up. love_fan--secret love sign? Care to explain, 'cause I'm feeling a bit confused here. I totally agree with you, Wojo, about Nicky. He probably had some one night stands with other men, but absolutely nothing serious. As...
  9. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    I love the theories, especially the one about Nick and Greg sneaking peeks at each other. Adorable. To answer my own question, I think Nick's always had some sort of inkling that he isn't the exact same as his hetero friends. Say he and his buddies (before coming to the Las Vegas crime lab)...
  10. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    Nick can definitely be a closed person, but I think he opens up to Greg. Sometimes I wonder if he envies Greggo's freedom to show who he truly is. Greg just has this sort of energy about him, this livelihood that makes you just want to open up and spill your guts. I wonder if it'd even be...
  11. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    Thanks Nicksfriend! I'll definitely Google that sometime tonight. On another note--YAY GREG! FINALLY! CSI Level Two! I was waitin' for that. I do hope the writers try to bring out Greg's lighter side sometime in the near future ... I miss that side of him, but I wouldn't want to see him back...
  12. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    George Eads described this scene? I think I must've missed that ... is there a link to it or something?
  13. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^-^ Hm, I don't think I've seen this episode. I guess the reason would be 'cause I don't own season four ... yet. Ah well--I'll watch it eventually. The sad part about the look in For Gedda is that I completely (100%) missed it. I didn't even know it had happened till afterwards, when people...
  14. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    I love the idea of a shy!bumbling!Nicky. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside. Ahh ... the idea of their first official date. Again, another thing that makes me feel all happy. I could just see it. Both of them know it's a date, and it's slightly awkward. This might be Nick's first date with a guy...
  15. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    And the plot thickens ... But honestly, that would be extremely twisted. I love the idea, but I don't see why Tina would want to get with the undersherrif. Whenever I see him he always gives me the creeps. Especially in that episode in season seven where the reverse forensics happens.
  16. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    That's probably it, and I never knew that Warrick might have a kid. Wow. Must've missed that episode.
  17. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    The first one could be Warrick.
  18. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    Greg flirting is absolutely adorable. He does it in a slightly subtle way, but you can still see what he wants. With Nick ... well, Nicky flirts in a different way. The boy-touching is a big factor in Nick's flirting style, and you can totally see what he wants when he touches someone (Greg)...
  19. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

    All I can say is that I love the idea. It's way too funny for CSI though ... and I don't know how people would react to the idea. Hilarious nonetheless. :guffaw:
  20. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    So I watched A La Cart today, and when Nick asked Greg about Sara/Gris, you can totally tell Nick was thinking, "Why didn't you tell me?" Ah, poor Nick. It's also the episode where Nick bends down, and it appears as if Greg is taking a picture of Nick's posterior. Great episode. So at six...