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  1. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    I thought Greg wearing a scarf was too adorable. Of course, there might be other reasons he wants his neck covered up ... :devil: If TPTB were trying to make it seem like Nick and Greg aren't in an intimate relationship, then why would they have both those characters be sick with the same kind...
  2. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    I like the idea of Nick being a supervisor. Gives him more authority, and I love Nicky taking control. I definitely agree that Greg controls their love life. He just seems more of a take charge kind of guy when it comes to a relationship. To me, Nicky seems to be a back seat kind of guy (hey...
  3. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ I honestly had no clue that the girlfriend part was in that episode. That just adds to all the subtext (but in this case, it's pretty obvious ... more obvious than subtext) of this episode. Come to think of it, I haven't see this epi in a long time. Hmmm. Anyways--thanks for the pictures! I...
  4. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ Thanks for those screen caps. When Nick's in the closet, his look and tone are so telling. Greg's smirk ... ah, so cute. Maybe G did spill some bedroom secrets. xD ^^ Oo I definitely should go watch that episode again. I agree--no wonder Greggo was po'd! In "Leave Out All The Rest", I...
  5. my_last_chance

    Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions P2

    This sounds like one heck of an episode. Too bad the promo I saw was lame ... it was the one without Greg saying, "Officer down". So Officer Aker. Hmm. I have no idea who that is. I'll have to go check the credits of "For Gedda".
  6. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    Meh, the whole Riley and Greg ship ... well, to each their own, right? At least with Nick and Greg, neither of them have said that there will be no romantic interactions. 'Sides, if GE or ES said that, they'd be acknowledging The Love, and from what I know, neither of them have even mentioned...
  7. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ Their expressions make me laugh. Oh God. xD Funny. I am extremely glad that Greg and Riley won't be getting together. At all. Hopefully. I'm hoping that the same will go for Nick and Riley as well. I love Riley, but Nick's already taken. She can't have him. love_fan that could totally be...
  8. my_last_chance

    From the Mouth of High School

    This happened in Social Studies a while ago. Some random guy: Was Princess Diana the queen of Asia?
  9. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    Hmm. After PWF, eh? *thinks for a moment* I like that. I mean, they had to have gotten together some time after Season 2. With all that flirting, it had to be going somewhere. Maybe in the beginnning of S3, Nick was planning to ambush Greg and kiss the heck outta him, but the lab rat sort of ...
  10. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ Thanks a bunch! =D Ah, The Love Wiki ... how I adore thee. Hmm. I don't really know what I think about the whole 'friends with benefits' thing. I don't know why Greg said "relationship". I don't know where Nick and he were at that point in time. I don't think they were actually together...
  11. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ I loovveeddd that scene. So cute, the way Greg was standing there with his arms crossed. Ah, bless him. Anyone have any screen caps that could refresh our memory? I honestly would love to hear what a Sandle or Snickers shipper has to say about that line. Not so I can scoff or anything, I'm...
  12. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    So the book Greggo_Obsessed was talking about is titled ultimate CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. It isn't a novel--it's more of an explanatory book with minor character bios within its pages. I was more than surprised to learn that Warrick and Mandy had gotten together at one point. Seriously...
  13. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    Okay, first of all I would like to say WHAT? to the part about Nick asking if the WOMAN'S underwear would fit HIM. Umm ... Nicky, my dear, even that's a bit weird for moi. But seriously, where did that happen? :lol: I happen to love that part in Gum Drops. Nicky tears up at the end ... ah, so...
  14. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ Sorry about that, Clarrisini. I do happen to think that books and games are quite informative about what the episodes leave out. For example, the game that has Nick talking about a gay bar that he can identify from the matches they have ... yeah. Nothin' weird about that all, nope. All...
  15. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    I agree, twins, why wait eight years to give someone a relationship? Especially Greg ... we've only seen flings (in my opinion) from him. Nothing concrete. All the waiting, as you said, just makes it seem like they are longing for each other (which they are!), if they aren't already in a...
  16. my_last_chance

    Chuck Norris lines CSI character style

    Nick Stokes is what Willis was talkin' 'bout.
  17. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    I couldn't tell you--TPTB seem to have something up their sleeves, though, with CSI levels and what not. And I agree about the Cath/Riley thing ... they would be a hot couple. With Warrick gone and all, hmm, she hasn't been having much luck in the men's department, eh? Maybe it's time to bat for...
  18. my_last_chance

    Riley/Lauren Lee Smith

    I was actually surprised--I thought her character was great! Before I'd seen the episode, I thought I was going to really dislike Riley Adams, but after her debut episode, I think she's going to be one of my favorite characters. I love her sarcasm, not many of the other characters have that...
  19. my_last_chance

    The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

    ^^ Wow. Just ... wow. That's hilarious, and man ... if that happened on the show, I definitely would keel over and die. :guffaw: I hope that TPTB put Nick and Greg together on more cases, now that Grissom is leaving and all. I don't want it to just be Riley/Greg and Nick/Cath with Raymond...