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  1. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Of course you did, although I'm a bit confused why Greg was calling her if he'd just walked away? I've only watched it the once so I dont recall which part that was. But even then it's left to speculation, isnt it?
  2. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I wasn't going to write here again but I have questions because I think this episode was sloppy, and after all this time Eric deserves much better. So forgive me, but: Why exactly did Ellen try to kill Greg? From the scene in the layout room at the beginning she knew he wasn't the only CSI...
  3. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    You're preaching to the converted, girl, I know exactly what you mean! :lol: Loved Nicky in last night's ep, though. He totally stole the show!
  4. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The editing/continuity in that last scene was just awful. From one angle Ellen's hands were on Greg's lapels and from the other they were around his neck or on his shoulders. And where she says "I'll do anything you say, anything..." her lips keep moving. It almost looks as if she calls him Eric...
  5. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    I'm probably going to repeat what's already been said here, but here goes: It was okay I guess, but it didn't grab me at all. I didn't think Dita was very good in it, seemed like she only had two expressions and no spark in her voice, which made her character two-dimensional and not all that...
  6. SpasmThatCat

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Sorry... I'm going now.
  7. SpasmThatCat

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    I went back on that FB page I was talking about and he seems much better now! I hope it wasn't because he saw me calling him a grouchy bastard. :lol:
  8. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    The promo seems to contradict all the previous stuff about this episode. It doesn't exactly smack of Dita becoming the bad guy as it looks like she's leaving by bus in that one scene, so it could be that all that hype about making Greg 'her victim' was just that. As I said before, I still have a...
  9. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    Definitely. There's a slightly better quality promo up too - here
  10. SpasmThatCat

    "A Kiss Before Frying" Discussion *SPOILERS*

    :/ There's an awful lot of DVT's stage show in that promo relative to the other clips. I hope the episode's not going to turn out to be just a DVT promotion wagon, like the Rascal Flatt's one was... Still don't think I can watch it. :(
  11. SpasmThatCat

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Ha ha, that makes me want to see now! :)
  12. SpasmThatCat

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    *laughs!* Yes, I think I've done the same myself before, too! It's quite scary, isn't it? There's one profile on there which is obviously fake, but which has posted a load of his friends' pictures of his house and it's location. And quite a few of him drunk and/or high too. How smart is that...
  13. SpasmThatCat

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    I think I know the account you mean - is it the one who called everyone 'pricks', had a moan about the number of friend requests he had and then said he didn't know why he bothered with his page? I actually defriended it a while back because I didn't like to think that Eric was actually such a...
  14. SpasmThatCat

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    I don't think there's a regular character that I dislike at all, and I look forward to seeing each and every one of them! Even Ecklie has his moments. :D
  15. SpasmThatCat

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    Ha ha, yeah I really should have! :lol:
  16. SpasmThatCat

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #15

    DLA tweeted a pic of George & Eric on the last day of filming of 2010... :) Photo Edit: Bugger, I put this in the wrong thread, didn't I? Sorry!
  17. SpasmThatCat

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    It's been kindly pointed out to me that my comment 'Hey ho' a couple of posts back could be misinterpreted as me being rude about DVT. I sincerely wasn't - I'm a Brit, and 'hey ho' over here just means 'oh well'. I shall try and be more careful with my slang terms in the future! *blushes* Sorry...
  18. SpasmThatCat

    Season 11 "Spoiler Lab" Discussion Part 3

    *sigh* I didn't say I didn't like her. In fact, I'm probably the only person here who's actually met her, and while she IS very shy and quiet, I think she's a stunning burlesque performer. I work with a band who are very much a part of that scene (Marilyn Manson even wanted them to play at his...