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  1. L

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

    aw man, i have LOADS of nick/greg dreams! the last one i had was rather pornographic though ;) the less pornographic one was quite funny though. this is what happened: i met Nick outside a restuarant or something? and I got my photo taken with him and when i looked at the photo, Nick was...
  2. L

    Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

    what pics are ya talking about MyIronLung? and yeah! i miss Stettie too, he da man :D
  3. L

    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    oh! i don't know if i have! and helLLO Fay of course i love teh porn!! *sobs* in all of my shows except House MD, my slash pairings are dying deaths! it's really rather depressing!! i mean think. every single show has done a romantic nale/female thing. but what drama show has ever explored...
  4. L

    Icon Challenge #5: Tomb Raider - Lara Croft - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #5: Tomb Raider - Lara Croft 2 11 7
  5. L

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules first)

    Re: CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules fi Henry Darius (Manhattan Manhunt): 90+5=95 Sonny Sassone (Tanglewood, RSRD): 70-5=65
  6. L

    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    i'm in total agreement there. I tend to be put off by shows that seem to distance themselves from the real world. a bit like Miami and the whole crazy!Horatio thing put me off, so Im hoping for a decent 5th season over there. In New York however, i think they have the whole cop thing down...
  7. L

    Stetler/Horatio Slash Thread

    oh this poor poor thread. and y'know there won't be much horatio/stetler at the start of season 5 thanks to horatio zooming off to Rio. i bet stettie is heartbroken, and will take it out on the others left at the lab. i'm curious though, when H gets back to Miami, there will have to be an IAB...
  8. L

    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    ahh the spoiler? don't you remember? and Shirtless portrait :eek: y'know what i'd love to see? and it isn't a portrait sorry, but i'd love to see the 2 of them meeting for the first time, being introduced to each other. i'd love to see the handshake (as there would have to be boy touching :D...
  9. L

    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    ahh tis quiet yes. i've not been on in a couple of days. shock horror! i know! i'm usually always on.
  10. L

    Have you ever... ?

    i dont have tv via l'internet im afraid! but i have fallen asleep at school... ever slipped on banana peel? so cliche right? WRONG it happened to moi. so humiliating
  11. L

    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    1CSIMfan i absolutely am head over heels in love with your icon!! love teh hot pics of Flack. and tongue porn. mustn forget the tongue porn! im hopin for some more flack tongue porn this new season!
  12. L

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 1

    ahh, that's a really good question, maybe someone random calls an ambulance, someone from the neighbourhood. i don't think a team member will find him. or amybe he somehow finds the strength to pick himself up and get to a hospital. but by the sounds of thigns he'll be too weak :(
  13. L

    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    *cough* i also liked how you got a lot of Danny in there... but the interview was rather snazzy potatoes indeed! :D you're so lucky ;)
  14. L

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

    that's my take on it
  15. L

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

    in response to what you said in the Spoiler lab csikicksurass same! i was all excited because i thought Nick was going to come in and beat the crap out of whoever beat the crap out Greg. alas, no such luck
  16. L

    CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!!

    Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers** *sobs* why can't anyone be extra curvy on this show?! ***jealous glare*** she looks very mischevious i have to say!
  17. L

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #13

    and thanks for the pics heartagram rather droolworthy :D
  18. L

    CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Round 1 - Final Challenge - RESULTS

    Re: CSI/Miami/NY LIMS - Icon Challenge #25 i sent mine in :) that pic's great cofi :D
  19. L

    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    Top!! you silly muffin for being away! love that you're back now :D i must agree that Flack becomes very primal around Danny! tis a good observation indeed. i love how he seems to lose his professionalism around him too a lot of the time. ahem the look of lust picture :devil: he seems to forget...
  20. L

    Danny / Flack #4 - I've Got Your Back

    XD 1CSIMfan you posted my favourite ever pic of danny/flack moments! your last one! it's the LOOK OF LUST! makes me think of such inappropriate but oh so hot things :devil: and you have the same syndrome with me. fanfic obsession ^_^ although i think you're prob right, they don't seem to be...