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  1. NZGirly

    American Idol

    I just watched his audition just then!! He was amazing! He is my AGE!!! And I loved Randy joining in with his song! That was so cool
  2. NZGirly

    Caption Game *puts on sunnies* Miami Style

    #5 all the way!!
  3. NZGirly

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #6: A Beautiful Soul

    Awesome Pictures! :D :D I am Kinder new to this thread I read it but haven't posted before but I just want to say everyone has awesome pics of Jorja!
  4. NZGirly

    Flight Of The Conchords

    Yeah I know! Its really really weird!! Whats your favourite FOTC song? I lOOOOVEEEE Jenny :D That cracks me up every time I hear it!
  5. NZGirly

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 YoBling: NAME PENDING Ooh I know!! Thank god the Strike is over!! CSI has returned to New Zealand (finally!) and A La Cart showed last Sunday and I saw the Yo!Bling scene!! My sister who hardly watches the show now (she used to) when she saw that scene she was like...
  6. NZGirly

    Quiz Thread #3

    Cat quiz: 5/10 Dog quiz: 4/10 (I guessed everything! :lol:) CSI Characters/Actors: 10/10
  7. NZGirly

    Flight Of The Conchords

    No WAY!! Did you say anything? Did you get his autograph? I LOVE THEM!!!!!! And I love how they are both proud to be New Zealanders :D I Just can't work out how they never made it big here In NZ cos they are so amazing and we have no other comedians!!
  8. NZGirly

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Oops!! sorry didn't see that post! lol O please
  9. NZGirly

    The Strike Is Over

    WHOOO!!! I am so happy this Writers Strike is over!! Wow I didn't know it lasted 100 days!! I am glad they sorted everything out
  10. NZGirly

    American Idol

    ^ ooh!! I love when Simon goes off and leaves Paula and Randy!! But he normally comes back..... Can't wait for this episode! :D :D :D
  11. NZGirly

    CSI: Hangman #10

    A please! :D:D
  12. NZGirly

    American Idol

    I love that moment so much!! It was a cool suite aye. Especially the cape! :p Oh he was so funny that "brother" guy. Writing a song for Simon, then having that speech about Simon at the end! Ahh so funny
  13. NZGirly

    Balloons & Brownies ~ TalkCSI Birthday Celebrations #4

    Happy Birthday Elsie and allstar!! :D :D :D
  14. NZGirly

    From the Mouth of High School

    We had the best moment in Study Period today, Me and My friend had nothing to do so Mr S gave us a book to read. We go to a Catholic all girls school by the way.. Mr S: Louise, don't you have any work to do Me: No its 2nd period Mr S: Why don't I give you a book. It is by a hip happening...
  15. NZGirly


    hahaha that is funny!!
  16. NZGirly

    CSI: Hangman #10

    I will try a "U" this time thanks LMH! :D
  17. NZGirly

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 YoBling: NAME PENDING I didn't know the view at a website but it is prob on there. HAHAHa those woman crack me up!! I really don't like the view, I only watch it when they have good guest stars come on. OOh they are so lucky getting a kiss from Gary!! Not fair!
  18. NZGirly

    American Idol

    Very funny last night!! I agree with you luvincsi, that Guy wearing a white costume with a silver cape and had "Simon" Written on his hat was the funniest audition eVer!!!! "I am your brother, your best friend forever!" :lol: :lol: Oh man that was so funny! All the judges singing along then...
  19. NZGirly

    CSI: Hangman #10

    May I have an O please
  20. NZGirly

    Cath & Warrick #9 - He'd give her the shirt off of his back

    Re: Cath & Warrick #9 YoBling: NAME PENDING ooh that is so cute! :D :D :D I was looking for it on youtube but I can't find it :(