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  1. sharp52092

    Ratings Discussion

    Ouch, of course I don't think skipping for a week last week helped. And wasn't there a rerun of Elementary instead? Does anyone else think CSI is taking CSI: NY's place on Fridays next season?
  2. sharp52092

    "Fearless" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I hope CSI isn't so personal next season. There can be too much of a good thing, and there has been this season I wondered if the guy Elisabetta was with was her brother, my mother is convinced that he isn't actually. I kinda liked the little backstory on his father. I could see that The...
  3. sharp52092

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Anyone got the promo for next week? The news interrupted right as they were about to show it
  4. sharp52092

    Greg/Morgan - You Still Owe Me One

    Please don't double post. If you want to add more, there's an edit button. Unless it's been 24 hours then feel free to post again. Thank you :)
  5. sharp52092

    Happy Birthday, Paul Guilfoyle!

    Happy Birthday Paul! :D
  6. sharp52092

    I Have An "LV" Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P2

    Mentioned sometimes, we never met her until Dead Class. They got engaged in season 5 I think, and married sometime in season 7. In Toe Tags he apologizes for being late, meeting with the wedding planner, and there's so many days left until the wedding. And I don't think it's mentioned again...
  7. sharp52092

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    I don't think there will be much more follow up on Branders, if any, and I'd say the wedding isn't going to happen for Hodges and Elisabetta. Which disappoints me, I'd like to see more of our characters in relationships and married
  8. sharp52092

    SC Questions, Announcements and Reminders

    There are a few Archie threads, they just haven't recieved any attention lately There's the Shrine of Archie-Goodness thread over in the CSI LV forum and here in the Shipper Central forum there's the Archie/Sofia thread. I didn't find any other shipper threads for Archie, but feel free to set...
  9. sharp52092

    "Backfire" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Reminded me of Blood Drops and Bodies in Motion and even 73 Seconds I had a feeling the son/grandfather was involved when they mentioned he had been out of the picture for awhile I didn't realize Amy Acker was returning as the Wendy clone, I remember seeing the motorcycle crashing into the...
  10. sharp52092

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #17

    That scene did seem weird, I wondered if it was longer originally and they cut it short
  11. sharp52092

    "Sheltered" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Not bad, I actually didn't see the dad of the boy coming Somewhat balanced eppy, bit heavier on DB, Nick, and Morgan and not a ton of Sara I'm a little impressed with seeing Sam again, I figured PD and maybe once more would be it Liked Finn's scene at the hospital with the girl Felt...
  12. sharp52092

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Wow... :wtf: I think he'd be proud and grateful
  13. sharp52092

    Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #17

    It's been a good year for him so far :) Saw that tweet last night, made laugh a little :lol: Liked getting a little sliver of backstory, high school wasn't so great for him, I always assumed so
  14. sharp52092

    "Dead of the Class" **SPOILERS**Series: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investigatio

    Re: "Dead of the Class" **SPOILERS**Series: 'CSI: Crime Scene Investig Very cool to see Super Dave getting some attention As someone who was bullied in high school, this episode brought up some memories, emotions, and things I have yet to let go of The baby is named after David Berman's...
  15. sharp52092

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Meeting Brass' ex wife
  16. sharp52092

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    ...whoa... :eek: I never thought that would actually happen!
  17. sharp52092

    CSI renewed for season 14

    Happy to hear this :) and that everyone is coming this early. I didn't expect to hear any casting news until later
  18. sharp52092

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Exclusive: Battlestar's James Callis Digs Up CSI Dirt in Season 13 Finale