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  1. F

    Who Said It & Which Episode? Think you know? Let's find out!

    ^^ haha inthewind you are correct,your up!
  2. F

    Who Said It & Which Episode? Think you know? Let's find out!

    lol yay! here's the quote. I think it's exactly how it's said. "Let's just say I had a little trouble getting my hand up"
  3. F

    Who Said It & Which Episode? Think you know? Let's find out!

    Peter Elliot and Horatio?
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    08 Presidential Elections

    Not to disagree with anyone on anything,I Honestly think in my own opinion that it will be extremely hard to clean up the mess bush left behind.I have faith in the man but,it's like he said during his speech,It will take a long time to fix things and maybe more then one term.He has a lot on his...
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    What's your first, favorite and funniest episode?

    I agree with everyone else. Lost son was the saddest.I cried.I can't watch that ep a second time.I miss Speedle.I started at the stat of Miami and I thought they would Keep Speedle in it but when he died I couldn't help myself but to cry,I've never seen people so sad as I did in that Episode,It...
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    08 Presidential Elections

    You know here's a funny story,I had gotten in a really big fight with a friend I gre wup with four days before the election.I tried to call her to work it out but she didn't answer and today she called me and the first thing she said was about the election.I live in California and everyone I...
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    08 Presidential Elections

    Wow you guys are all brutal.Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,and own views no matter what they are.I think if we can't celebrate a new president then at least celebrate the fact that the eight years Bush gave us is finally over. Getting back on track.I think it's great Obama won.Seeing...
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    Caption Game #2 - Shipper Central Style

    #2 :lol: it's just random
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    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    To ____: You know for a moment there I thought I'd just give up and quit trying.I honestly didn't see a point to keep it up only to try and make you believe me,it's funny how ya chose someone you barely knew.I know you come to the boards and if you read this then it's cool,because,I'm not...
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    Caption Game - Miami style pt.2

    Eric:"All I have to do is convince Horatio that these sunnies have the same powers as his others and wala!"
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    CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 2 - Ch.#35: Danny ~ Results!

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 2 - Ch.#29: Halloween ~Results! Thanks for all the votes and congrats to all winners.Awesome icons all around :)
  12. F

    Other Fandom FanArt #3: Showcase & Requests

    Awesome icons everyone! Here's three from one of my favorite movies,Alien Vs. Predator.
  13. F

    Caption Game #2 - Shipper Central Style

    Horatio:What's the ruckus over there? Eric::eek: That's Calleigh and Natalia wrestling in the mud Horatio: I have *put's on sunnies* No objection :cool:
  14. F

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #38 - Too Sexy For My... ~ Now Open!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #33 - Season Openers ~ Now Up! Sent mine in!
  15. F

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #38 - Too Sexy For My... ~ Now Open!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #3 - Ch. #32 - Ugly Clothes ~ Voting! I'm in!
  16. F

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Awesome icons! Left you a comment AC ETA: I just didn't want to leave a few words so I leave twos Icons lol
  17. F

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal #41: Jake - Voting!

    Re: CSI:Miami Icon Chal.Thr.#3 Ch.#37 - Won't Get Fueled Again~Join No Beginners: 01 06 07 Best Use Of Brush:04 Intermediate/advanced 100x100: 03 04 12 Best Use Of Brush:15 Intermediate 140x140: 02 07 08 Best use of Brush:02 Advanced 140x140: 02 04 07 Best Use of Text:05
  18. F

    CSI: New York Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    ^^^ thanks AC I snagged your Firs tone,will credit when used :D
  19. F

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #3-Miami: Gun Stance ~ Now Open! Sent mine in! :D