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  1. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Lol, i've never actually thought about using the promo pics to get idea's for stories... and i'm sorry about saying the bed thing we good?
  2. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    :lol: I'm a spoiler junkie's a shame really, because i'd like a surprise... i just cant resist looking at the huge pics on Modern Day Gallery, they just have thee best Mac pics!
  3. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    They did? lol, i'm in England so most of the ew episodes i know nothing about p.s check out the new thread i posted in the Fan Art section if your interested in making Mac/Gary goodies...:lol:
  4. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Eeeeeeeeeeee, Officer Blue!!!! I wish when they made that episode they put more scenes of him in that damn sexy uniform...i wanted a whole body shot at least...or tey sould definatly put more flashbacks from his marine days in...that could be a good character builder!
  5. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Yummmmy, Pizza...but i'm bringing Bud. 'cause i dont really like wine lol And, The Jamalot scene where he goes to Lindsey "It's the uniform" *GUH* it's not just the uniform's the whole package, excuse the punn lol
  6. bumble_bee89

    CSI:NY Mac Taylor/Gary Sinise Art

    Re: CSI:NY Mac Taylor/Gary Sinise Art. Lol, Hey! forgot to put wallpapers on the list! you can post your Gary/Mac wallys in here you know ;)
  7. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Hold on Fruit I'll call a cab and meet you there for dinner lol wait, do you think Mac knows he has hundreds of thousands of Girls and Women...and Men? drooling over him? *in gutttter with fruitbat*
  8. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    ...Mac is an Alpha Male? Okay, i just had some wonderful thought trail from that... Mannnn...Mac being all powerful and dominating... OKAY! Stopping!
  9. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Yea, maybe if you called him Macky to his face... but what about if you were in bed with him i know i use nicknames *too much info i know* and i have nicknames thrown in my direction too...Names were made to be made fun of... My Grandad is called Mac, i love it...i have him in my mobile...
  10. bumble_bee89

    CSI:NY Mac Taylor/Gary Sinise Art

    Yupppp! We talked about it in the 'Back in Black' Thread and now i'm making things a little easier by just posting a damn thread about it... So heres the deal, we make Icons and Banners and Manipulations and post them here, we will probably have Gary/Mac related compatitions All Banners and...
  11. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    wow, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning... Shesh! I'ma gonna start a thred in the Fan Art section so go check it out in a few minutes when i've had chance to start the damn thing up... Chou bella!
  12. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    okays, NattyB I'm exited! lmao sad... ...seriously though, we should just be allowed to post them here!
  13. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    Hey guys, i was just doing my micro-bio essay and a cunning plan popped into my head! as you do! why dont we make some banners/icons for this thread? i mean, i know it should go in fanart but it's spacifically for this thred and it's not a competition...just a load of people making things to...
  14. bumble_bee89

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Yea, that first scene in '...Comes Around' where he's holding Clay Dobson over that building...damn he looks evil, and i love the camera work on that too...
  15. bumble_bee89

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    YAY! new thread...we need a new pic for it...*glomps photobucket* Stubble, sideburns...*guh*
  16. bumble_bee89

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    Ohhhh, sweet lord! He looks amazing with that wet black tee on...:dribbles: honestly...i think i want to...nevermind..aahaha
  17. bumble_bee89

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    We so need some mre Pics of Mac in here! and i'm sorry but that first pic El posted, his hair looks gross all closely shaven like that *shudders* i love his hair at the moment, having let it grow a little i want SIDEYS! :( *gutter*
  18. bumble_bee89

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    awww, thanks MB did anyone watc Wednesdays? OMG! his face at Adam and Kendall
  19. bumble_bee89

    Adam/AJ: Lab Geeks Can Be Hot

    The last episode was hillarious, Kendall and Adam with Mac in the middle... wouldn't mind being the dressing on that sandwhich! i like how mac knew what was going on and didn't say anything..brilliant!
  20. bumble_bee89

    CSI: NY icon competition-Ch.#18-Black, White & Color- Now Up

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #15 Now up! just sent mine in! now i jut have to wait a week... :/