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  1. L

    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    Oh they have had their angst trust me, but that is what has got them to this point so for me everything they went through to get together is worth it, it has made them the people they are and it has built a solid strong bond. From Lindsay pulling away just as they start something when her past...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    ahh thanks for posting the pictures there are really great to see. Danny really seems to have found a role that makes him happy in a way he didn't think he would be - family man. You can see that just as much as he adores Lindsay he adores Lucy. from the looks Lindsay gives she adores them...
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    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    I have been thinking about how much she has changed and grown since she arrived in Season 2. I love the way she she sloted in to the team from the off, she kind of brought out the softer side in some of them. as much as i love the woman she has become I hope that we get to see some glimises of...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    Ahhh these lists are bringing back memories, very happy memories. You don't forget these moments but it is great to be reminded about them. Desertwind you have many really good DL moments to look forward to seeing. I am hoping that we have another list of great memorable moments from Season 7 -...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    Thats a nice list MS1213,;) a very nice list indeed. :cool: To Season 6 I would have to add the car scene from The Formula. I know that it was more a Danny, Linsday and Adam scene but there is just something about it it that I find very cute. I am loiking forward to seeing the little scenes...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    I haven't really watched vegas in years but I did think that storyline was a bit odd. Given the all the time that NY have invested in DL and now to include Lucy I can't see NY doing the same thing. That Badge scene a really great example of just how close and tight they have become, for his...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    Yeah they really do seem to listen to the other one and not just seem to be paying attention. That is an interesting question Desertwind, and quite a hard one to answer. I don't see either of them leaving the show in the immediate future, from the pictures and interviews we have seen they...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    no worries Desertwind with these day changes it doesn't take much to confuse me :lol: That 10% conversation is something else. the look in his eyes I think is amazing, I don't know if it is me but it almost seems like his eyes are almost on the edge or crying - perhaps with the tough that if...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    Sunday?? is then when they show it where you are Desertwind? I love the way they showed them in the last couple of seasons, they have their sweet and happy moments but they have had their very sad moments as well. You can see the pride and love for each other in their eyes. a couple of times...
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    I can certainly see the change in their releationship. They seem very solid and secure. Like they know whatever happens they have each other backs and they really do love each other.
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    Danny/Lindsay#24: Because 10 percent is all you need

    :lol:Yeah making out in the lab - not a good idea, best left to the privacy of their home. Now if only we could get to see one of those scenes :drool: I mean we have seen Stella making out with Frankie and Danny and Lindsay are married. I know that CSI NY is first and foremost a crime show but...