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  1. PintSizeGenius

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey guys! Del! Welcome back bud! We missed you! Wicked pic, I love LRC, even tho i'm a fluffy! Likin the thread title suggestions... My creativity is running pretty low atm, but i'll get thinking and maybe come up with a few later. Liff, Tiggy is so cute! :D Later guys! xxx
  2. PintSizeGenius

    CSI:Miami Icon Chal. Thr. 2 - Ch.#28 ~Yellow - Results!

    Re: CSI: Miami Icon Challenge Thread 2- CH # 16 - RESULTS! Tough choice... Beginners: 5 3 1 Advanced: 20 2 3 Well done everyone, and good luck! xxx
  3. PintSizeGenius

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey guys! Thanks for the welcome back! It's nice to be missed! I think you guys are the ones who did! Welcome back Cammie! Glad you're back! :) Nice avvie, Angel. I love tigers! Since everyone else is... M&M FIGHT! *throws M&Ms at everyone then ducks behind Larry* :lol: Later guys! xxx
  4. PintSizeGenius

    **Please read and respond!!** (beginner/advanced challenges)

    Re: **Please read and respond!!** (beginner/advanced challen Read and understood, ma-am, even tho I don't enter challenges that often, coz my creativity is very low and I just don't have the time. PSG xxx
  5. PintSizeGenius

    Icon Challenge - Capturing the Episode ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge - Pilots ~Voting! Tough choice, very tough... Beginners: 9, 12, 11 Advanced: 6, 7, 4 Well done everyone, and good luck! PSG xxx
  6. PintSizeGenius

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #2 - Ch#24: Muscles ~ Join now!

    Re: Sig Banners Challenge Thread #2 - Ch #15: Voting! Well done to the winners! They really are stunning banners! Well done to everyone else too, all the banners entered were great! xxx
  7. PintSizeGenius

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey guys!!!!! *hugs everyone* I'm back. It seems no-one missed me :( Oh well, i'm used to it. Wow you guys post fast! I was only away for a week but I had 3 whole pages to read! Whilst I was in Kent, I went to a safari park, a farm and a rare species conservation centre. So, I have lots of...
  8. PintSizeGenius

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey! *collapses on a sofa in the 8-ball* Man, i've just had the most stressful few hours of my life. We're going on holiday tomorrow, so we have to put my dog and my two cats into the pet hotel. The dog was easy coz we just walked him there, but we had to catch the cats and put them in cages to...
  9. PintSizeGenius

    CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

    My OTP has to be DL! They are perfect for each other. They have amazing chemistry and are comfortable around each other. I also ship SMaCked and Mac/Peyton. I think both these ships are very cute, but i probably like Mac/Peyton more. I also like Stella/Hawkes and Danny/Aiden, but I don't...
  10. PintSizeGenius

    CSI: NY icon competition-Ch.#18-Black, White & Color- Now Up

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Challenge #10: Voting Open! Tough choice... 4 6 1 Well done everyone and good luck!
  11. PintSizeGenius

    Wallpaper Thread #6

    Wow, those are great, Kat, especially the first two. Congrats on winning the challenge! You deserved it. PSG xxx
  12. PintSizeGenius

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey guys! Thanks for the praise on the zoo list. I hope it helps. I would keep an eye on Liffy and Mo for ya, Stuffy. But i'm going away this weekend too. PSG xxx
  13. PintSizeGenius

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey guys! I completed the list of animals for our zoo. Consider this an early birthday present, Mo, since i'll be away on your birthday. Happy birthday and I hope you have a wonderful day. Here's the list, complete with pictures: Main Zoo Twin Gorillas - Zeriso and Banji - orphaned at birth...
  14. PintSizeGenius

    Wallpaper Challenge Thread #2

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #15: Ships Ahoy! ~ Results! Congrats to the winners! They are truly amazing! Well done to everyone, all the wallpapers were great!
  15. PintSizeGenius

    The CatNip Soundtrack

    Love that song, Lynny! I always thought of it as a SNickers and DL song, but it suits CatNip too! I think it probably suits a lot of ships :lol: It's a shippy song!
  16. PintSizeGenius

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey! First of all, I'm loving the spoilers! Can't wait for season 4! I agree, Pam Veasey is amazing!!! I'm getting together a list of all the animals in Wheatfield Zoo, complete with names. I've used a lot of the names that people have suggested, or at least tried to, but I'm struggling with...
  17. PintSizeGenius

    Who do you think SARA should be with??

    I don't really mind who Sara is with either, as long as it's NOT Grissom. I have nothing against people who ship GSR, but I just can't see it. I don't know exactly why. The age difference doesn't bother me, the boss thing doesn't either. I just don't think they have any chemistry. My favourite...
  18. PintSizeGenius

    CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

    Federica, nice icons! Love the Danny ones! He certainly is a cutie! xxx