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  1. K

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Why bother with snatching off the towel, girl??!! The dressing gown's what I want to rip off :devil: *reaches for the dressing gown while pushing Gary back into the bathroom and locks the door* Take a ticket, girls, I've got him trapped in here...!!
  2. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Aawww, you guys are so lucky. I don't even have a date to look forward to for Season 3. I expect full reports on the premiere... pretty please??!
  3. K

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Nim! I am forever in your debt. Thank you so much for getting this online for all us Gary fans who couldn't see the broadcast. I'm sure we all appreciate it - I know I do!! *Huge hugs*
  4. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Fantastic job on the banner Nim, and the others for input. I have stolen it and will use it proudly!!!
  5. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Fantastic idea ranma! Lets get a couple of goods ones made up and cast a vote. It'd be so cool to have a Taylor Girls banner... mind you, I think yours is pretty neat!!
  6. K

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Hey feenx - that's not necessarily a bad thing.... you, the dark, alone with Gary... :devil: I could think of worse situations to be in!!! :eek: And I also hope you friendly Gary lovers who get to see it will pass on details to those who don't get the chance... *please* :rolleyes:
  7. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    *Giggle* This thread is cracking me up at the moment!! Nice work with those lyrics, guys! Count me in to be one of the Taylor Girls!! We should so come up with a badge, or t-shirt, or something... Ranma, that banner is gorgeous!
  8. K

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Oh, yeah, nice. I have just seen Imposter for the first time.... *drool*. Man, is he HOT. I love in the shower scene when he goes "A little hotter" - I mean, come on! Can he GET any hotter!!!???
  9. K

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules first)

    Re: CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules fi Sheldon Hawkes 49 + 1 = 50 Sid Hammerback 49 Marty Pino 22-1=21
  10. K

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Oh so true, why indeedy?? Can't understand why anyone wouldn't want him... I know I sure do. These banners that everyone has are gorgeous. I can see I'm going to have to try some creativity and make something... Hmmm, creativity with Gary. I like that idea :D
  11. K

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules first)

    Re: CSI:NY - Elimination Game #3 (1st timers - read rules fi Sheldon Hawkes 46 + 1 = 47 Sid Hammerback 50 Evan Zao 1 - 1 = 0 Marty Pino 23
  12. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Awww, that is just gorgeous - thanks Ranma! See, he was a cutie even way back then :) Hey, I was just reading on another thread about why there's been no special projects for Gary/Mac like the others in the cast are getting, and the response was because no-one's volunteered to do anything...
  13. K

    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. Ooo, well since I work in a hotel I would ask Mac/Gary if he would like his bed warmed... and would he like Room Service... and is there ANYTHING :devil: else I can do for you!! :lol: And what would I do if the guys started speaking Italian? Umm, I'd be...
  14. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Well said OB!! - the longer, the better... I never saw them when they first got together - that's a good point - does anyone have any pics of Gary when he was just a teenager? Can seem to come across any anywhere! But you're right, he just keeps improving doesn't he? :D
  15. K

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Oh, you are sooooo right. And that man makes me craaaaaa-zy!! Well, what can he expect, when he's such a fine specimen of a male??!! :D
  16. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Shoot, girl, you work fast!! I'd want more than 20 minutes to do everything I want to do to him!! 20 days might suffice :devil:
  17. K

    CSI:NY Quote Guessing Game

    Correct.. Was Danny. Your turn.
  18. K

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Oh, she certainly is... *sigh* 20 years of Gary. God, I would kill for that.... Surely he needs some variety in life... :)
  19. K

    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. Well, if it was Mac/Gary I knocked down, I'd keep him down on the ground and... er... greet him happily :) Then maybe drag him into a nearby alley... *cough, ahem ;)* Sorry Fay, posting at the same time. So in answer to your question, I'd offer Mac sanctuary at...
  20. K

    CSI:NY Quote Guessing Game

    Ooo, here's one I came across last night (watching my recorded shows waiting for the DVDs to come out!!) "Something tells me THIS wasn't on her agenda"