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  1. Athersgeo

    I Have An "LV" Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P2

    It's definitely shown in Living Doll (s7 finale). Not sure if it appears in any other episodes, though.
  2. Athersgeo

    I Have An "LV" Episode/Character Question *NO Spoilers* P2

    Is it ever defined WHICH part of Jersey Brass is from/which police force he served on there? The only reference I can think of is one from Ellie, where Warrick mentions Ellie was born in Essex County Hospital which suggests northern NJ, but is there anything more specific/definitive than that...
  3. Athersgeo

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    You might be right. Even if it IS different lengths, I guess it's still not quite as bad as season 1's magic!hair, though, so I'll shut up now. Thanks again :)
  4. Athersgeo

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Thanks Jacquie - excellent caps (admittedly, subject of said caps doesn't exactly make a bad picture... :D) and very helpful Eta And thanks Smokey, too. Now I'm almost certain - but see what you guys think: Looks to me like Nick (apparently!) got a hair cut between the two scenes... His hair...
  5. Athersgeo

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Just finished watching Sin City Blue and... Does anyone have caps (gosh, what a silly question!) from the daylight scene at the dump site and then the layout room scene with Wendy, Henry and Ray? There's something I'd like to check...:devil:
  6. Athersgeo

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    Further to last week's OT comments: I can't believe they've decided to go with just "Dragons". The title was the best part of the whole idea! *sigh* Ahem. Right. Interesting episode but, a little like last week's, it was weirdly unbalanced because, once again, one of the cases was...
  7. Athersgeo

    Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #20- "Save Me From Myself"

    Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #10- "You Found Me"- Now Up! Sorry Smokey - been waiting for the reveal as I find it nearly impossible to review my own stuff without either sounding like the world's most heinous...uh...person (I got told off once for nitpicking my own story to death -...
  8. Athersgeo

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    This actually doesn't surprise me - or, rather, what DOES surprise me is that none of the rest of the CSI cast has (at least to my knowledge) directed an episode prior to this. Most other long running shows, there's at least one cast member who's done the jump to behind the camera, but not CSI...
  9. Athersgeo

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    Question: If Marg goes, would TPTB consider Jorja as the new female lead or is she really only back for this season and leaving again?
  10. Athersgeo

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    On a completely off topic note: How to Train Your Dragon may just be about the BEST film title I've come across in yonks. And, for that matter, when was the last time you heard someone say "Lock up your sheep"? *giggles* Ahem. Okay. That was...a weirdly unbalanced episode. Sam has to be the...
  11. Athersgeo

    Season 10 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion P2

    I think the person who complains the most about Hodges being out in the field is Hodges!
  12. Athersgeo

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    diff'rentstokes - can't believe I didn't notice your location before. Alas, this'll be my first BJ tour since 95 where I haven't been able to get to a concert. (And this, after they spoiled me last time by actually playing a concert in my home town, which is something I thought they would NEVER...
  13. Athersgeo

    Season 4 Discussion

    Season 4 is definitely a little bland in patches. I think, though, that I like it more than I like season 3. There aren't any episodes that I strongly dislike; at the same time, there aren't any episodes that I strongly like, either. Two things that I DID dislike about the season (as a whole)...
  14. Athersgeo

    Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #20- "Save Me From Myself"

    Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #10- "You Found Me"- Now Up! Thought I was going to have to bow out but I think I've just about squeaked in. Smokey, the file should be with you very shortly (if you haven't already got it!)
  15. Athersgeo

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #11

    I don't know about anyone else, but this season is reminding me quite a bit of season 5, both in general tone and in the way Nick seems to be front-and-centre more times than he isn't. Given the way s5 ended, though, this does make me a touch nervous for what the end of s10 has in store!
  16. Athersgeo

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    That's what I thought. I'm curious to know if Ray has any theories about the significance - though I'm guessing we won't find THAT out for a little while. From just this season or in general? In fact, better idea; I'll PM you! And yeah; it was a VERY strange maths exam!
  17. Athersgeo

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    I do indeed. My problem is I can never just write ONE story. One becomes a trilogy which becomes a complete rewrite of CSI from season 6 onwards, using Gum Drops as a jump-off point... Don't know about tootes's mum, but I've sat a maths exam that had a problem about racoons on it. (It wasn't...
  18. Athersgeo

    CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

    *nod* Yeah. I think it would have definitely benefited from being the 'A' plot we could have had a really, REALLY great, tense opening sequence with Lily being pursued and caught and...ohgod I'm talking myself into more fanfic at this rate! It was a little bit - and I don't think they'd have...
  19. Athersgeo

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    The first one is a geiger counter *grin* (Can we spot the person who did nuclear physics for a very teeny while?...!) The second one, I would guess, would be a PDA - possibly a Palm Pilot (to be brand specific!)
  20. Athersgeo

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #37

    Think (if I remember the episode correctly) it's a geiger counter Nickyfan I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa - it's never easy. *offers many hugs* Nick3167 - you too have my sympathies, partly because that'll be me in about six weeks' time!:eek: And, since I'm here and posting, a set of...