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  1. Elsie

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Oh, how confusing. New NY episodes on two nights in a row? Yep, I'll be interested to see how (if at all) it affects the ratings. Ah, this season seems to have just flown by. :)
  2. Elsie

    Robert David Hall

    I love Doc Robbins! What a fantastic interview. :D Robert David Hall always comes across as very interesting and insightful, and, of course, he's great as Doc Robbins, I can't imagine CSI without him. :) I'd love to see the Doc's family, or anything more about him really. He definitely is a...
  3. Elsie

    Can we chill a bit on the criticism of TPTB?

    TPTB bring this great show to us every week (well, not every week, but you know what I mean, and I do probably watch at least one NY episode a week). ;) I love it, and I love how the writers continue to bring new storylines, exciting cases and fantastic characters (who we are invested in), and...
  4. Elsie

    Whose memoir would you read?

    I would definitely want to read Stella's memoir. I can imagine it would be rather sad, but very interesting and inspiring. :) Also, I'd love to read Flack's.
  5. Elsie

    Who had the best character development this season?

    :) Actually, it was really interesting. I've edited your post to put the spoilers into a spoiler box. If a thread isn't specifically marked as containing spoilers please use spoiler code as a courtesy to those who wish to remain spoiler-free. Thanks. :)
  6. Elsie

    One Word

    Love this thread! :) Mac: Annoying Stella: Determined Danny: Foolhardy Flack: Loyal Lindsay: Tiresome Adam: Geeky Sheldon: Intelligent Sid: Weird Angell: Assured
  7. Elsie

    Who had the best character development this season?

    Hawkes, Adam and Flack... All good character developments. :) I can't choose just one of them, although as Flack is my favourite character I'd probably lean towards Sam Flack being a highlight.
  8. Elsie

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    Congratulations to Anna and family. :) I love the name George, too.
  9. Elsie

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    ErinElizabeth, please see the private message I've sent you regarding signature banner rules. Thanks. :)
  10. Elsie

    Why Lindsay Must Go, Part 4

    :lol: I'm still amused. I love the Earth Logic error message, very apt.
  11. Elsie

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Yeah, I'm still pretty convinced it's Angell, despite Ausiello's answer. If it's not, then well done TPTB! I was fooled. :lol: Ceindreadh, I don't remember reading anywhere that they were filming some new season episodes before going on hiatus. Does anyone know if that's the case?
  12. Elsie

    Why Lindsay Must Go, Part 4

    In singleton pregnancies, with no known problems, many airlines (but not all) will allow pregnant passengers up to 36 weeks, some even longer with a medical certificate.
  13. Elsie

    Happy Birthday, Stars of CSI:NY!

    Happy birthday to Melina. :beer:
  14. Elsie

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    So many great names, but 'Forensica' is, by far, the best I've seen so far! :lol:
  15. Elsie

    Big Season Finale Spoiler *MAJOR SPOILER*

    I'm in agreement, I would prefer no one to be killed off, because it keeps the the options open for them to return in the future, but I guess it does add to the drama. ;)
  16. Elsie

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    It's been a long time since I've been in this thread! It's great to see so many wonderful banners and great artists around here. :D I don't suppose anyone would like to do me a huge favour? I no longer make fan art but would love a new Flack banner. I've had my current one for quite a while...
  17. Elsie

    The Warm Welcome Thread #2

    Welcome, perlnoir and CSInyFAN. It's great to have you both here. :)
  18. Elsie

    3rd Post Count/Membership Anniversary Party !!

    Wow, it's ages since I've been in this thread. Congratulations to everyone on their anniversaries and post counts! :D It's great to see the forums nice and busy. :beer:
  19. Elsie

    What keeps you watching CSI:NY?

    I love everything about the show. Even the things that I don't like. :lol: I know it doesn't make sense, but in my world it does. It's almost like the annoying things, such as lack of continuity and the cases that defy belief, add to the charm. I like to get annoyed at the shows that I like...
  20. Elsie

    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    I doubt it's Anna's baby. I've got to be honest, from the pictures it looks like one of those fake babies that TV shows often use when they aren't doing a close up shot. They freak me out. :lol: