Search results

  1. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #44: Yellow - Voting! I thought id already voted :guffaw: 6 3 4 Text- 7 Texture- 8 Colouring- 11 Creative- 3 Use-6
  2. crazy_steph

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear Silly Witch, I know it was you, you know I know, I have solid proof yet you fail to apologise stupid cow, I'll never forgive you ever. From Steph Dear Neighbours, Please Move! and also until you do stop parking on the road and park on the drive so that we can actually park near our...
  3. crazy_steph

    Do you believe in God?

    I don't believe in God at all, however I am spirtiual I don't think that 'dead is dead' I'd like to think then when I'm no longer here I will get to see the people I leave behind and meet up with the people that I've already lost. I also have no problem with what other people believe its what...
  4. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #44: Yellow - Now Open! I'll try and get some enteries in, should be able to I'd personally leave the challenge the way it is as I only watch the LV shows so I'd probably skip the other challenges as it's hard to make something with characters I know nothing about...
  5. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #43: Greg/Eric/Hawkes - Voting! Thanks for the votes everybody, and best texture well done me :lol: also well done to everyone who won something as well, they were all great it was actually quite hard to vote so well done again :beer: just in case you were wondering...
  6. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #43: Greg/Eric/Hawkes - Voting! 6 4 14 Best Text- 11 Best Texture- 4 Best Colouring- 2 Most Creative- 5 I would use- 15
  7. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #43: Greg/Eric/Hawkes - Now Open! just sent mine, hope they are ok, good luck everyone :)
  8. crazy_steph

    What's Your View On Teenage Pregnancies?

    I think it's quite disturbing how many 'babies with babies' there are. I'm sick to death of seeing lots of young girls wandering round with about three kids in tow and they can't be older than 20. Don't even let me start on the benefit system, I agree with child benefit, and the tax credits...
  9. crazy_steph

    [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Textures - Results!

    Re: [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Negative Space - Voting! Beginners 4 3 9 Advanced 3 24 22 140 9 13 3
  10. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #42: Circles - Now Open! I tink I could be too late :(, but good luck to everyone
  11. crazy_steph

    Voting in Challenges - Read and Respond

    Also someone can easily write, i like the texture, style etc and not about the character which could be the genuine reason they voted, no-ones going to openly admit it
  12. crazy_steph

    Icon Challenge #55 - Robin Hood ~ Winners Up!!!

    Re: Icon Challenge #55 - Robin Hood ~ Voting Up!!! well done guys, i'm sad i missed this one, i love this film
  13. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #38: Shakespeare ~ Now Open! Unfortunately I'll have to sit this one out, i'm finding the subject too hard :lol: I can't come up with anything even half decent :(
  14. crazy_steph

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #35 - Results

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #29 - Voting! A-1 B-2 C-2 D-1 E-2 F-1 G-1 H-2 I-1 J-2 K-2 L-1 M-1 N-2 O-2
  15. crazy_steph

    [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Textures - Results!

    Re: [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Blind ~ Voting! Beginners 7 5 6 Intermediate 8 4 13 Advanced 3 4 8 140x140 5 8 7
  16. crazy_steph

    Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #4 - Ch. #43 - It's a Dangerous Job! - Results!

    Re: Sig.Bann.Chall.Thread #4 - Ch. #39 - Call Me! ~ Voting! Beginners 3 8 13 14 Intermediate 8 2 4 Advanced 9 3 5 All great work though guys, :)
  17. crazy_steph

    [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Textures - Results!

    Re: [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Blind ~ Now Up! i might give this a whirl see what i can do
  18. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #38: Shakespeare ~ Now Open! i'll definately have a go at this one, not really sure if what i do will be any good :lol:
  19. crazy_steph

    LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.23 - Actors - Results!

    Re: LV Icon Chall.Thread #2 - Ch.#19 - Sara Sidle - Results! woooo! 3rd place :) Well done everyone who entered and thanks everyone for voting for all my icons, and well done to all the other winners
  20. crazy_steph

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #37: Red ~ Results! First and second place :eek: thanks guys it means a lot it's been a while since i made some stuff and congrats to everyone else and all who entered :)