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    Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: slkdjfhaslsjkdfhksajhkjhsdfomg!!!!!!!11 ♥!

    Re: Eric & Calleigh Thread #29: I wonder if he'll tell Calleigh or if maybe somehow she finds out through Cooper. Maybe he presses charges or something??? Somehow she has to find out...
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    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I love how Cal and Eric are always color coordinated. Everyone else was wearing lighter colors, but they were wearing dark colors in that first scene. A definite difference from last week's white. I love how Cal felt the need to protect Eric about the paper. She definitely didn't want Ryan...
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Hello!!! I'm stopping in to let ya'll know the LJ community is getting a revamp and I expect to see more posts soon because wow are we getting some cool Wedges scenes! That last episode (which I got to see thanks to youtube and CSI Innertube) was just too cute. LOL He's interupting her dates...
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Yay! Welcome! I also fall for the snarky type ships. I don't know why or what it is about them, maybe one two many romantic comedy movies? But opposites attract and Wendy and Hodges are seeming to attract! LOL
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    I finally got to see the new episode. I've been avoiding this place like the plague cause I didn't want to be spoiled. So, now I can squee along with the rest of ya'll! But first welcome to all the new people who are posting in this thread! It's pretty cool to see this ship spreading. The LJ...
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    Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

    Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu that's funny because I first heard the song a few months ago and I thought of them to. I was going to work on a vid for it, but then I heard about episode 9 and I wanted to wait for caps of it because I needed the hug in the vid. Now...
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    Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

    Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu
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    Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

    Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu Yikes, can this day be any longer??? 45 more minutes until the new episode and squeeage! :)
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    Episode #608: 'Permanent Vacation' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Re: Episode #608: 'Permanent Vacation' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS* I loved this episode. I'm biased though cause I heart Dean Cain. He was my first tv crush, my first real fandom was Lois and Clark and my first real shipper experience. So yeah, I loved seeing him again. And I love that I forgot for a...
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Welcome 27days! Tonight is a new episode right? I hope there is a moment or two for us to pick apart... It's always such fun getting the little snippets. :)
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    well if I do it, it won't be a long saga, just a short ficlet. :) I think I might work on it, see what happens.
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    Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cubano

    Re: Eric/Calleigh #27: Coffee Tastes Better With A Little Cu
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    Ryan/Samantha #1: He Wasn't Talking About The Hardware

    Re: Ryan/Samantha: He wasn't talking about the hardware
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    I thought she didn't reply back because of the people in the room. I bet when everyone left and it was just them she might have poked fun at him.... Which just begs for a fanfic....
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    LOL that sums the moment up nicely! I also posted about this at the LJ community to generate some discussion there. I'm hoping with the newer Wedges moment and the new stuff hopefully to come that more people will fall for this ship and post more! lol We need to post lots more in order to get a...
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    DJ, Thanks so much! I hadn't gotten a chance to see it yet, so thanks!!! And LOL @ Wendy's face when Hodges made the perfect comment. HA! Poor Hodges, he's so obvious... ;)
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Oh no. I missed the first half and I missed a Hodges and Wendy interaction??? NOOOO!!! Aw I'm really sad. :( But I can download the ep later like I planned. Thanks for letting me know what I missed guys. I'll be back later to squee about it some. ;)
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Thanks for the info! I hope they kinda work it like Hodgins and Angela on Bones. Kinda lighthearted and fun. Because they aren't the main characters it's easier for them to have fun with them. Let's see how it goes! YAY!
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    Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Mice

    Re: Eric/Calleigh #26: Known To Cause Arousal In Laboratory Thanks for the clip! I got in late last night and missed the first 15 minutes, and I thought it would be fine cause nothing important ever really happens in the first 15 minutes, YIKES! I missed the most important scene of the show...
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    Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

    Hi everyone! I'm back. I have to update the LJ community cause with the spoiler from Mendelson (spelling?) how can we not be all excited. Squeeeee!