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  1. pretty_in_pink

    Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

    Re: Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy *DELETED* Post deleted by pretty_in_pink
  2. pretty_in_pink

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Cities big and small: 3/10 I only knew #5, about the most literate city in the country. Us Washingtonians are book nerds, so it was pretty obvious. ;)
  3. pretty_in_pink

    Photography Competition: CSI - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition: CSI 2 9 4
  4. pretty_in_pink

    Misheard Lyrics.

    LMAO! :lol: That's awesome!
  5. pretty_in_pink

    Signature Banners # 5 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    hahaha, that_girl1, that is an awesome banner. :lol:
  6. pretty_in_pink

    Crossover Team

    I chose Calleigh and Eric for Miami, Stella and Hawkes for NY, and Nick and Sara for LV. If it was up to me though, I'd choose everyone from LV.
  7. pretty_in_pink

    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    My new one: wallpaper
  8. pretty_in_pink


    You might want to ask this at the CSI Music area. They'll probably be able to help you. :)
  9. pretty_in_pink

    Who would you want to save your life?

    Re: Who would you want to save you life? I'd say Nick, because he'd probably do everything in his power to save me, and he's damn sexy! :lol: Sorry.
  10. pretty_in_pink

    What is your favourite movie?

    I forgot Rent! How dumb of me!
  11. pretty_in_pink

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    6/10. Not bad, considering I'm not even in high school yet. hahaha :lol:
  12. pretty_in_pink

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To family: I can't believe you! I confide in you that I think I'm depressed, and how do you react?! "NO, you can't be depressed. There are people in worse situations than you!" Thanks, but I'm pretty sure that you aren't the Depression Police. I hate the fact that you always say that I need to...
  13. pretty_in_pink

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    Cooking 101:4/10 I'm not a very good cook.
  14. pretty_in_pink

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    midnightbellzza, I'm so sorry that your mother deleted all of your stuff. I remember when my mom did that. It's awful. Hopefully you can get your stuff back. Okay, here's my rant: To ex-boyfriend: GAH! I just wanted to be friends, but now you come and tell me that you still love me. Why did...
  15. pretty_in_pink

    Who has a LiveJournal?

    I added you all. So if you get a friend request, please don't think I'm a crazy stalker. :)
  16. pretty_in_pink

    Who has a LiveJournal?

    I got a new one, 'cause my old one was being stupid. So here it is. Please, feel free to add me. *wink wink* :)
  17. pretty_in_pink

    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    Mine is of Spring Awakening and I love it.
  18. pretty_in_pink

    Favorite TV Show Quotes

    South Park Worker: What is that, a pigbearman? Al Gore: No, stupid, it's ManBearPig. Al Gore: It's a half-man, half-bear, and half-pig. Al Gore: This looks like ManBearPig central! Al Gore: I'm super cereal. Al Gore: Why does nobody believe that I'm cereal? (As you can see, the ManBearPig...
  19. pretty_in_pink

    Misheard Lyrics.

    hahaha! I just watched that, and lmfao, it was hilarious! :lol:
  20. pretty_in_pink

    Any Good Google/You Tube Videos.

    hahaha! Shun the non-believer. SHUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN! lol. I love that one. I am going to recommend "Jon Stewart is God" for any Daily Show or Colbert Report fans. I'm too lazy to post a link, but if you search "Jon Stewart is God" you'll find it. It's hilarious. :lol: