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  1. F

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    You're so lucky you guys!!! :D It will take a while for me until i get access to the two final epis... :( but i'm so glad for you all!! :) :) I hope S6 finale ROCKS!!! :D :D Keep me posted!! :)
  2. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    Not only blue ... all colors look good on him...!! :D :D And to prove that... I present my Pop Art Grissom... (I finally reveal my exquisite talent, too bad some guy named Andie Warhol stole my idea...) :lol: :lol:
  3. F

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    Welcome MaddMudder! Feel free to express your views about our fav Mr. Hottness!! :D :D As you've probably gathered from what you've seen already we're all nuts about WP/Grissom :lol: and... proud of it!! ;) :D :D I believe WP is totally aware of the effect he has on women (he used to date a...
  4. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    I meant... ...Sherlock's hat!!! :lol: :lol:.... ....Why? What did you have in mind??? :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: Dear Mod,deeply sorry for douple-posting.
  5. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    With this fine collage we could so play "Name the epi this Grissom pic is from" :lol: :lol: Whoever gets more correct wins this fabulous PRIZE ;) ;) :D
  6. F

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    Too easy GrissomFREAK!!!! :lol: :lol: ALL of the above of course, and so many more we're going to discover... :rolleyes: ...our great grandchildren will be talking about this very subject and still won't cover the whole lot!! :) Too bad we cannot actually debate on this topic... ;) :p...
  7. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    GrissomFreak great selection of pics from all seasons! However, for S5 i would definitely vote for this dressed to kill one!! :D :D Adzix, amazing WP faces collage! The thing is the older he gets the hotter he looks!! ...and his eyes still have this magnificent sparkling fire burning since he...
  8. F

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    This face on my bedside would be probably tooooo much to ask??? :p ;) :p
  9. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    I love the cowboy look too!! :) Especially this one! It's one of my WP fav pics :D
  10. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    Great pics you guys!! :D :D In TLaDiLA WP is to DIE FOR!! :devil: ;) But, the truth is, he's HOTTT no matter what!!! :p :p Say AHHHH :D :lol:
  11. F

    The "HOTTNESS of William/Grissom" Part 6

    YAYYYYY!!!THREAD No.6!!! WAY TO GO!!! WE LOVE WP!!! WE WORSHIP GRISSOM !!!! :D :D [i]I know it's not the pic thread, but we need to celebrate his HOTTNESS every now and then ;) Sorry :)
  12. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    GrissomFreak and Newflame great Jackpot classic pics!! BTW, Formalities was not the only epi Grissom wore a suit. He looks so cute in Mea Culpa *loose tie=sexxy* and The Accused is Entitled Of, course he still looks hot in hat and heavy jacket :D
  13. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    Nice work GrissomFREAK!! Loved it! Thinking is sexxyyy ;) But smiling is hottt too! :D And since we remembered "Jackpot" again (who can forget it...) there's one of my favorites and all-time-classic in my pov... Ooohhhhhh, i'm in ....
  14. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    You're so welcome WPRMW! :)I'm so glad you liked the pics! I know you must not be at your best after watching last epi with all the GSR scenes, but you know what? Billy was fantastic and sooo sexxyyy!! :devil: (That must have been a consolation, eh?? :))(Anyway,maybe i'm not that good at...
  15. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    I wish...desertwind!! :lol: :lol: Totally agree with you GrissomFreak: He is Breathtakingly sexxyy (even when he's holding a blood-covered murder weapon! :eek:) Two pics especially dedicated to WPRMW :)
  16. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    WOW!! You are MEAN and CRUEL GrissomFREAK!!! ;) :lol: :lol: :lol: I, on the other hand, am a ROMANTIC soul ;) (Man, BP is HOTTT even in scars!!! :D :p)
  17. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    Are you trying to finish us all off?? :p :p Man, desertwind and GrissomFREAK show some mercy!! :lol: :lol: Beep beep beep!!.... Coming to get you!! :p And thinking how i didn't like men with beards before...WP ruined me...Now i look at guys in beards differently...Of course having a face...
  18. F

    Trivia game

    Thanks Sirea, I haven't seen this epi.
  19. F

    William/Grissom Picture Thread 3

    Please u guys give a line or two from last night's epi!! It would be months before I will be able to watch it! :rolleyes: Ok, we need to arrange a meeting in Chicago to see WP, when he's back on stage!! :D :D Wouldn't that be cool?? I am definitely up for it (even though I would have to travel...