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  1. Sookie

    Ratings Discussion

    Ouch, that is not good. Nashville and Chicago Fire both rose in the ratings. They may want to make some changes for Season 14 - less csi's being cops, more forensics, and less written for the new people.
  2. Sookie

    'Skin in the Game' Discussion **SPOILERS**

    The Black Sabbath song was good, and Ozzy was funny when he was being interviewed. Loved Eric Roberts - great guest choice. As for the episode - meh. I find it hard to believe that there were no LVPD cops that could have gone undercover. The writers should have left this as a...
  3. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Here is hoping we get some good Nick moments in tonight's finale.
  4. Sookie

    CSI renewed for season 14

    If CSI wants to have a good season 14, they might want to get better writers and stop focusing on the new characters.
  5. Sookie

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    I agree with you Smokey, and I am also disappointed they never followed up with Nick
  6. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    With one more episode to go, for a Nick fan, I can say this season turned out to be a lackluster one for Nick - other than Fallen Angels and the dog episode, he really had nothing to do. Very disappointed that we never got to deal with Nick quitting like Don M said. I think Don M said Nick...
  7. Sookie

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Couldn't they just let this be a Brass episode? Why did they have to make this about Morgan too?
  8. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Thank you Shane for posting the video link. That was so sweet. Loved the adorable baby pics. He needs to do some comedy because he is funny.
  9. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Oh, man - I hope someone one, or the show, posts that clip - I want to see it.
  10. Sookie

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    If Morgan is in peril again, I'm already not liking the season finale, or even the start of season 14.
  11. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I love his accent. I think that he doesn't feel like hiding it anymore - why should he, his character is from Texas, just like he is.
  12. Sookie

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Unfortunately, I don't care enough about the new characters, to care whether or not they are in peril. Hopefully, next season the new characters get pushed into the background, and we get back to basics.
  13. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Got some lovely Nick smiles in last night's episode. Still disappointed that the writers don't have time to deal with Nick quitting but find plenty of time for a Hodges/Elisabetta storyline.
  14. Sookie

    George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #45

    I love when he gets all dressed up. I don't mind him wearing glasses, but those are too dark for him.
  15. Sookie

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    What was the point of having Nick quit in last year's finale if they weren't going to bother dealing with this season? Didn't Don M say they were by the finale? Haven't read anything about that in the spoilers, so I'm going to assume no.
  16. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Don't even get me started...wasn't it Don McGill that said we would see Nick deal with his issues? Next season they better write some Nick related episodes. I do not understand why they are treating him like a background character...
  17. Sookie

    Season 13 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 1

    Ugh...I hope not, really not a fan of Morgan.
  18. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    I am going to guess that his scene with Doc Robbins took care of this part "Of Nick’s attitude towards the victims he sees on a constant basis: “His investment in helping people is very powerful, which is seen in Episode Nineteen" And, I think that is it for Nick this season. He is probably...
  19. Sookie

    George/Nick: Texan Charm #13

    Based on this, "Nick has a big story in Episode Nineteen ", I really thought this was going to be somewhat of a Nick episode but it wasn't, it was more of a DB episode. Also, I don't call DB telling Nick that his granddaughter is suffering from nightmares bonding. It would have been, if Nick...
  20. Sookie

    Ratings Discussion

    I think it is harder for 10pm shows in general. All the high rated ones seem to be on at 9 or 8pm