I rested. Trying to get better. Except... the antibotics that they gave me are making me alot sicker then I was without them. But I have to take them. :(
Oh, I hear you. :lol:
The wardrobe department really needs to rethink what shirts they have him wear. I wouldn't mind seeing him in that blue shirt again. *falls over just thinking about it* Maybe I need to rewatch season 1 again.
Glad to know I'm not the only one tired of the striped shirts. They were good for awhile, but I really think that he'd do better with mixing them up. Because I think he could certainly do with wearing more solid colors as well. Not just the stripes.
Slept most of the morning, due to being sick. Went to my appointment and had to wait for an hour. Didn't see my regular doctor. Come to find out I do have a lung infection. -sigh- :(
Trying to rest because I'm sick. Thought I had my appointment set, and then they call telling me to come in earlier. -sigh- Oh well, just as long as whatever they give me makes me feel better.