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  1. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    ohh I see you've changed icon FallenForFlack.. Reallly like it.. :D he's hot
  2. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    yeah I was in the RT once, aww I miss the hummer, and H's blue eyes =) I just havent read in a long time and there are a lot of new ppl in it =) but I like it sory guys, no pic or video from me anyways.. but i still love you all =)
  3. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    you're not alone.. he looked, for some reason very hot with that 2x4 in his hand.. haha.. I need to watch miami s1 and s2 again.. long time ago
  4. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Drugs are bad kids..( they're delicious :lol: ) I just love a man that looks good in jeans and has a gun :D i just looks so hot
  5. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 I haven't seen "right at your dorr" either.. I know I'm a bad rory-fan :( Thanks for the heads up =) :thumbsup:
  6. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 I haven't seen "a scanner darkly" I know, I'm gonna, promiss... found an interview with him on youtube.. enjoy.. he's cute :D
  7. ImissSpeed

    CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

    Maybe one day the RT will go to DC and then maye I could make a guest appearence with either tony almeida or greg seaton =) me like.. haha great update geni
  8. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 calleighspeedle, love that last pic, he's hot from behind too =P Love the video CSISDFlash.. they are hot =) I need to see public enemies =) need to se my baby =P
  9. ImissSpeed


    Bill too.. I miss him.. I had a crush on him in the earlier seasons cause he looked so hot in a suite and he was the boss =)
  10. ImissSpeed

    CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

    great update :D Katie's gone...?! no!!!
  11. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 he shoots the one who's supposed to beat up tony at starkwood =) I had no idea he'd be in publi enemies =) and I love johnny so I'm definatley gonna see that move =)
  12. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 he' so hot in 24.. =) even fires a gun =P
  13. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 I thought we could use some neckporn =P and he lookse good in jeans.. enjoy =)
  14. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 Yeah, I've read that he's said something like "with all the cool deaths on the show, why not do something cool for me".. something like that..
  15. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #18 - A Different Shade of Badass

    Re: Speed/Rory #18 New thread YAY!!.. I don't know what else to say that has already been said =/, "he's hot, and I love speed" A little tribute to speed that I put together after he died.. a poem filled with mixed lyrics from så many good songs I will try to feel the way you're feeling...
  16. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    Not sure.. I kinda lost contact with csi when all the series went overhill =P.. I only got back here cause of greg seaton =P
  17. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    Thx.. I found it a while back whe I had a PoTC episode =P so I can't take credit for it and I cant' remeber where I got it so I can't really credit anyone =S back to rory/speed/greg =) I saw the eppy when delko hallucinated and it was so good to se speed back in the miami sun
  18. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    A different shade of badass.. I love it =) my vote on that one.. I've missed all the pics when I was gone.. love that they just pop up like that :D
  19. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    not to me he doesnt.. feels like he's mor confident on screen now.. I remeber the cross-juridiction eppy, and he was so little and cute.. :P now he's hot =) *drool*
  20. ImissSpeed

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    awww he's so cute when he's little.. he's grown on tv alot :D I like.. aww I love him :D.. speed that is =P