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  1. L

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Impersonating an officer? hehe Does this mean they can't take their handcuffs off set too ;) :devil: *thinking naughty thoughts*
  2. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    ROFL, you're too funny Feenx, bet you use it a lot here on the NY forum :D
  3. L

    What would you do? game. Not who.

    Re: What would you do??? game. Cry my eyes out. Then cry some more, he's MY Mac darn it!! What would you do if Stella and Hammerback got married and had kids?
  4. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    To Nim: Absolutely NO apologies for posting a pic like that, even if it isn't a pic of Mac. *drools on self* He's so hot...... 30 years older, but still totally smokin' I think we need an emoticon of fainting (and one for drooling too)
  5. L

    Anna/Lindsay thread #3- "Hello, Ms. Monroe"

    Hehe, that's funny. Actually she's taller than me too... But I like being short, it's actually kinda fun, and funny.... for my brothers :D
  6. L

    Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

    Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY It's about time someone did something about those friggin' awful ties. Evertime Flack comes on it's like "AAGGG avert your eyes" But oddly enough you can't 'cause he's hot...
  7. L

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    ahhhh mmmmmm oooohhhhh YES!! It's the comeback of the SEXY NECK!! *faints*
  8. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Just today, and for this banner, I started a photobucket account (it's super easy) then download the banner (right click and hit save image as) onto your computer, and then upload it to photobucket (or another online hosting place) and put it in your siggy.
  9. L

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I think Stella/Hammerback would be totally cute. He clearly has a crush, and I think she could be convinced. But I do think they should wait a bit, after all she's been through. I also kinda like the idea of Stella/Flack, they're quite adorable together too. As a matter of fact, I think I...
  10. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Yeah, 30 years older than me... And yet, amazingly enough, still The hottest guy on all three CSIs IMNSHO ;) More piccies, pretty please and a plate of brownies?
  11. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Close up pics of him are so hot! Also, I love horses, and I love the way he was so gentle with that one... hmmm, gentle Mac, not something we get to see too often. I turned 21 last summer.
  12. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Yeah, I did the same thing I'd done before, and it worked?? Computers can be so screwy. I just love this banner, Who made it? ETA how old are you feenx?
  13. L

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    Being away all summer, I kinda forgot how erm, ..... Imaginative ya'll are hehe
  14. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    hehe, my dad is only 8 years older than Gary.... Now that IS a scary though.... Excuse me while I go wash my brain out with something much stronger than soap...
  15. L

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    hehe, sure why not. I call dibs on his toes (they're so cute...)
  16. L

    Gary #2: Fire Alarm Hottness

    So are ya'll a committed foursome? Fivesome? How many of you are there anyway? He was so cute in that episode, with that *umm.... ok* look on his face :D
  17. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Wow, it's been sooo long since I've been here, too busy this summer! I just wanted to say.. I love Mac, he's just so hot (that man CANNOT be 51, nope, too hot for that...) And, well, I'm Really Really Really Really excited about season 3!!! Are we really gonna get more shirtless Mac this...
  18. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Hey Nim, could you do an icon (or wallpaper *hopes*) do an icon with a pic of Gary from "The Forgotten" (in those gorgeous glasses) Pretty please and a plate of brownies too (sorry, I don't make 'special brownies', though I might be convinces to draw little pictures of Gary on them....)
  19. L

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    Oh the jokes that could be had about that ep.... Can't wait for my Mac fix next season!!
  20. L

    NY Character Quotes-What's Your Favorite?

    hehe, the girlfriend thing in Jamlot, one of the few great things about that ep IMO he's so cute in that ep *sighs*