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  1. L

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    Who cares if it's been posted before?? We love our Macky repeatedly (did that soud dirty? It didn't in my head, at least at first :D :devil: :devil: :devil:
  2. L

    QUIZZES--How much do you know?

    5/10, I'm actually quite happy that I knew that much :D
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    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    ^^ Ok MissRoosFox you look so much like my friend in that pic it's not even funny...:eek: I love your hair too :)
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    What's Your Blood Type?

    I'm o-, my mom, brother, and sister are all that too. Needless to say we get a lot of calls (and letters, and the occaisional package...) from the local blood center.
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    Death Penalty? What's your opinion?

    No, WE don't take that persons life, the governement (who's duty it is to punish all offenders against society) decides what the proper punishments are for various crimes, and if necessary tekes that persons life. Also SaraSidle_girl Even though I've never been in that situation, I agee with...
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    The Official Pets thread

    Yes, Lizards are great. I love Bearded Dragons (12t pic is one) because they tend to be docile. If you handle them a lot (I handle Timmy 10-14 times a week, usually at feeding time) they become very tame. Beardies also don't have very many teeth (at least not from what I've seen in his mouth...
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    The Official Pets thread

    I've finally gotten around to posting my various animal on photobucket *pats self on back* Tymofarr (Timmy to those who love him) Looking at the camera -- He's such a ham :D Mon Chou (named while I was taking French!) and kittens...
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    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    Ahh, yes the unshaven look works VERY well for our dear Mac. Excuse me while I go pout and think unhappy thoughts about not seeing him until September (26th right :() Maybe I'll pull out some of GS's movies (hehe "The Stand" here I come!) ETA: I think that pic qualifies for Broody!Mac :D
  9. L

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    Aww, he looks so serious there, I think somebody needs a hug (or something a little more than a hug :devil:)
  10. L


    ^^I think it's a book? Maybe, I remember hearing about that too.
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    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    ^^ DandMfan, so glad I could help cheer you up (it cheered me up too). But really, don't worry about the boyfriend thing. I'm 22 and I've only had 2 boyfriends ever (both for short times, and one of them dumped me for my best friend!) You're only 12, give it time (personally I'm a little...
  12. L

    Photography Comeptition: Wild - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Comeptition: Wild 05 09 12
  13. L

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    ^^ And the winner is Fruitbat!! Yes, I'm pretty sure it from MIA/NYC Nonstop (though I don't think that's technically the pilot, ok I'll stop nitpicking now :D I know that the 1st pic is from the second season (first half of it I think), maybe "Grand Murder At Central Station" or "Dancing With...
  14. L

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    I know, that's one of my favorite pics out of all the ones I have of him. He just looks so, I can't even describe it. Not hot, but like someone I would totally bring home to meet my parents :confused: And then of course run off and marry him :D
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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    My desktop A raondom photo I stole off of Fark (from a farktography contest)
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    I've gotta say, I am really impressed by the way the fans got together and made this happen. Congratulations! Even though I was very disapointed (and really put out) by the last episode, I will probably watch it in the fall. Hopefully they won't put it up against something really popular...
  17. L

    Mac #4: Sexy When Wet

    ^^ I feel for you DandMfan, I'm on my second week of illness (and second ear infection!) this month :( Wait right here while I rifle through my files and find a nice hot Mac pic to cheer us both up :D ETA Lucky, Lucky water bottle Just gorgeous The rarely seen Smiley!Mac :eek: If these...
  18. L

    Video Games that Traumatized You

    Hmm, I'm pretty sure I was traumatized by the ending of the main quest of The Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion. He didn't have to die *followed by various curses*! Also, Neverwinter Nights 2, the ending royally sucked!
  19. L

    Photos #5 - Smile For The Camera!

    That haircut looks really cute on you!! Also, you have the coolest color on your walls (hmm, same as mine actually :D )
  20. L

    The Secrets Thread

    There are more of you :eek: I was hoping my brother was the only one :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: j/k Left handed people actually tend to be a lot more creative than righties. Some of the smartest people I know are lefties (my brother). I actually think it would be kinda cool to be left...