Thanks for posting the links to the pictures, Kristine! It's nice seeing him out and about.
I'd always thought that 5'9" was average height for a male in the US. But looks like the average is now 5'10", but either way he's not "puny". :lol: Does make me wonder what's prompted all the short...
Okay guys, the episode thread for 8x16 - LA is now up so please move any discussion about this episode over there now.
I'm really excited about this episode. :D
(Futon Critic)
(extended CBS promo) Thanks for posting mjszud
(Extended promo viewable outside US) Thanks D&Daddict and theocxxx on youtube
Air Date: Monday, March 01, 2010
Time Slot: 10:00 PM-11:00 PM EST on CBS
Episode Title: (#816) "L.A."
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to take a moment to remind people to please avoid using deragatory words like "haters" and "tweeners". Using these doesn't accomplish anything except angering others. We are all here because we have this show in common. Just because we don't agree with someone else...
Welcome to the brand new Eva/Natalia thread!
I've gone with mjszud's suggested name, but if you decide you want something else, we can change it. :D
Old thread can be found HERE.
Blame Canada - 7/10
Canadians take over the World - 5/10
Born in MA - 7/10 (My mom, grandfather, great grandfather and great great grandfather were all born and raised in MA, but I still had to guess at most of them :lol:)