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    Carmine Giovinazzo

    Now, don't make me tell you which episode it was, but I think he was wearing what I'd call 'biker boots', they were black and a bit on the heavy side. Although it's sad to say, I only noticed them because I really, really want a pair of those for myself. *coughs* 'Though I don't normally look at...
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    Carmine Giovinazzo

    Like, whoa! He uses more words in a single answer than I do in a whole week. I bet he uses his hands to talk, too. I like that! That was a fantastic interview; it was great to see his take on RSRD and on Danny's development. Is it wrong if I love this sentence? Because I really do. I...
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    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    I'd been looking for this earlier on and now that it's here, I didn't see it. Silly me! :rolleyes: Love the title. Love, love, love. Love! Poor Crying!Danny. He deserves a hug.
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    Crazy Caption Contest

    Anna: "You're kidding me!" Gary: "No, I'm telling you, that was me in 'Forrest Gump'." Anna: "There's no way you played Lt. Dan." Gary: "Just check the credits." Anna: "But he didn't have legs!"
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    Dr. Marty Pino / Jonah Lotan thread - We Want More!

    Could be worse. Worse, like in Hammerback/Pino. And now, excuse me while I go and wash my brain with some bleach. I like Hammerback but I'm not sure I want the words 'Hammerback' and 'slash' combined in one sentence. Anyone else want some bleach?
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    Dr. Marty Pino / Jonah Lotan thread - We Want More!

    Eeek! I knew I was gonna be in for that one! So, :tries to divert from herself:, what about that signature of yours? ;) You never know, maybe there really are some Pino-scenes out in the web, under "Medical Examiners Gone Wild". Or "Exploited: The True Story of Marty P." 'Slander'...
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    Dr. Marty Pino / Jonah Lotan thread - We Want More!

    There she goes again, on a mission to corrupt the next thread. :D Just kidding. I <3 how your minds works... (Just no argyle socks this time...) God, I'm so gonna get in trouble one of these days... And to actually say something on the topic: 91% of the people participating in the poll would...
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    Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

    Oooh, wibble, I'm almost jealous. I went to Scotland three years ago and I loved it. Luuurved it. *sigh* I voted No, unless it counts that my plan is to work. Maybe I'll find the time to sneak a little something in, but I doubt it. *remembers Blair Castle - sigh*
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    Crazy Caption Contest

    Mac: "There's the biggest spider ever on the ladder and no effing way I'm going up any further. No way!
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    Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

    Horatio: "Goodbye, Mr. Anderson."
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    Crazy Caption Contest-Vegas Style!

    Brass: "'t...breathe!" Grissom: "You know, whenever I want to feel small, I look at the stars. And what beautiful stars they are ... Did you know how the song 'Twinkle, twinkle, little star' was written? It began..." Brass: *chokes*
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    May sorrow everlast - an Aiden-corner

    Aiden would probably come back in relation to D.J. Pratt (sp?), wouldn't she? He made a return a couple of weeks ago, so he probably pops up again, hopefully when they catch him. I just don't hope the writers go down the particular storyline where Aiden is one of his victims. That I wouldn't...
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    needmorecsi, what is your reasoning behind this? I don't want to sound as though I'm picking on you, I'm just really interested as to where that statement comes from. ;) I'm not sure that Lindsay would have been better off coming into the show a couple of episodes later. If she did, would the...
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    Last Song Syndrome

    'Tell It Like It Is' by Don Johnson. That's just plain pathetic.
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    Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

    That's exactly what I thought! :eek: Fine, laying off Nick now...(but it's really tough!) Greg: "...second biggest beetle in the rainforest, it uses its wings to... *snore*..." Sara (offscreen): "Out like a light. I knew Grissom's book would come in handy one of these days."
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    Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

    Nicky: "And I have this dream night after night! Ants, biting me, and I'm in this coffin beneath six feet of dirt... I can't figure out how to get out of it!" Warrick: 'Crap. Why didn't he ever go that counseling? Now I have to listen to him whine.' Nicky: "And all I could ever think about was...
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    Dr. Marty Pino / Jonah Lotan thread - We Want More!

    So far, 100% voted for Dr.Pino. ;) Who says we can't have more than one regular pathologist on the show? Let's just push the dead body count and bring him on. (Right, that's kind of a harsh thing to say, but more dead people, more scenes in the morgue, more chances of seeing him. :devil:)
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    I'm with you on the liking/disliking part. I used to be really into ER and I hated Dr. Romano. But in a good way. I disliked that character so much that I loves every scene with him, because you just he knew he'd be a total jerk. (slightly off-topic) Now, Lindsay is something of a tough case...
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    Funny Faces/Caption This 2!!!!

    Alexx: "No, Horatio, I'm not gonna lend you my sunglasses. It's not my fault you left yours in the car." Horatio (o.s.): "Oh, come on...Alexx...nobody will take...any notice of me...unless I put my...sunglasses on and...say something witty."
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    Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

    Voted 'Yes'. I mean, I was born Easter-Monday, so technically, I'm the Easter-Bunny. ;) We don't do the whole Easter-thing, though. The family shares a nice meal, there's a little something from the real Easterbunny and it's not nearly as stressful as Christmas. Plus, more chocolate.