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  1. Poppet

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    Don't know if anyone has already posted this video, AJ only appears briefly:
  2. Poppet

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    Thanks Perlnoir Unless I am mistaken, which I could well be, Christensen is Carmines mothers maiden name.
  3. Poppet

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    A recent pic of AJ:
  4. Poppet

    Grade "Manhattanhenge"

    In my opinion they didn't draw enough from what happened to Lindsay as a teenager, I found it unrealistic that she wouldn't reference it at all. People who maybe haven't watched previous seasons would have no knowledge that she had a similar experience in her youth. Like many things in CSI:NY...
  5. Poppet

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    :lol::lol::lol: She'd be better than Duncan Bannatyne though!
  6. Poppet

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    You and your facts! what are you like?:lol: Just because a show wants to highlight real phenomenon of New York doesn't mean they want to do it in a realistic manner - honestly where would be the fun in that?;)
  7. Poppet

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    Has anyone posted this: Looks like AJ has landed himself quite a job!
  8. Poppet

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Curious, yet cautious - please let it be better than Melinas. I am interested to see how Carmine writes D/L, if he does at all. Although for some reason I am anticipating a boys episode (not that I would be complaining about that).
  9. Poppet

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    Just thinking, does this mean we may get a Flack-free episode when Eddie is on paternity leave?
  10. Poppet

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    How cute would mini Eddies be?
  11. Poppet

    Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

    Are Eddie and his wife expecting? If you scroll down on the link before there is a pic from a week or so ago:
  12. Poppet

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Love the pic Perlnoir - Thanks. Here is another one taken last week:
  13. Poppet

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    JIllian Micheals posted this pic of Carmine and Vanessa on her facebook:
  14. Poppet

    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    Hi, sorry if this has already been posted, AJ looking hot:
  15. Poppet

    Grade 'Blacklist'

    Really didn't like it at all, I found the whole thing too far-fetched and over indulgent. On the positive side it seems Anna has a new wardrobe person - a definate improvement on the last 2 seasons.
  16. Poppet

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    ^^ I like the idea of Flack falling apart aswell but falling apart after a loved one dies and a friend is injured in a traumatic event doesn't make you a chronic screw up, especially when your behaviour prior was exemplary, it just means you're having a hard time dealing with things. Also not...
  17. Poppet

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Flack - chronic screw-up? excuse me? have I missed something?
  18. Poppet

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Seems Carmine and Vanessa have been out and about (unforunately no pics)
  19. Poppet

    Happy Birthday, Stars of CSI:NY!

    :beer: Happy Birthday to Carmine :beer:
  20. Poppet

    08 Presidential Elections

    Hi Just thought I would share this article with you guys, there are some interesting stats at the end: Although some of the comments are bizzare to say the least, how some people can...