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  1. spaz

    Happy Birthday, Stars of CSI:NY!

    WOOOOOOOOOO! Happy b-day Mr. Sinise! XD (I see we have some candles, but where's the cake?)
  2. spaz

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    Oh I will definitely come back and let everyone know how it went. There's also a chance to have dessert with him but it would cost 400 dollars. >< Sadly, I don't have that kind of money. But I'm good with a photo and autograph. :)
  3. spaz

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    My Adam mini-obsession kinda started after watching the ep. The Party's Over. I felt kinda happy that anyone knew what Trichotillomania was (why? because I have it. ><) and I just like how much Adam cared for the little kid. It was so sweet. And yes, as soon as I get paid I am going to buy my...
  4. spaz

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    :) Thanks. I think Adam has worked his way up to my favorite. If anyone is in New Jersey I have to let you know that there is a convention (for Supernatural) going on in July and AJ is going to be there. :) Photographs and autographs are available for him.
  5. spaz

    Adam/AJ #3 - AdamRoss.Edu

    Hi! Can anyone tell me what episode this is from? I know I've seen the episode before, I just can't remember which one it is. D: Thanks. :)
  6. spaz

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    Hey! I've never seen this one! Oh my God look at his arms! ... My mind has fallen into the gutter. D: And Jade_Nolan I may have seen them 20000 million times but every time I see sceencaps of Gary as Lt. Dan...Oh man, I get obsessed all over again! I think I'm gonna get my Lt. Dan turtle off my...
  7. spaz

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    You guys talkin' about his hair? Or...rather, you WERE talking about his hair? I think it depends on what role he's playing. Sometimes I like his short hair, and sometimes I like his long hair. For example. I like his long hair in Forrest Gump and in Reindeer Games. He looks really good that...
  8. spaz

    Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

    Uh, I've never posted in this thread HI! I come baring gifts of the FanArt kind. I have a CSI: NY desktop wallpaper of Mac, Danny, Sid, and Flack, and then I have a desktop of just Danny (it's an older desktop so I kind look at it and go 'WHAT?' but hey, maybe you guys will like it...
  9. spaz

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    Thanks. :) But, I clicked on the link and it sent me to a page that said: 404 Page Not Found. D:
  10. spaz

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    Uh oh. last post double posted, and I dont think I can delete this one. :( SORRY! :( Can someone please delete this one. =[
  11. spaz

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    Uhm...I don't really know where this goes (I still get lost on here D: ) but, I made a desktop of my favorite characters. It includes Mac, Danny, Sid and Don. I hoping it's okay to post the link to it in here. If its not you can delete it.
  12. spaz

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    That first picture is AMAZING. :) <3 All my Gary pics have either already been posted or are just random Fan-Art/Desktops I made in Photoshop so I only wish I had nice new pictures to -- WAIT! Okay, I might have one or two from the screencaps I made a while back. Okay, let's see if this works...
  13. spaz

    Gary #6: Renaissance Man (cause he can do everything)

    Okay, I haven't been here in a LONG time (shame on me!) but here I am again. And Blue...I think I love you for posting this picture! I love Gary as Lt. Dan. :) Where did you find it!?
  14. spaz

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    I have to say Happy Belated Birthday. I didnt have an intenet on Monday or Tuesday so I couldnt come here and post. =[ But I did have a cupcake in honor of it being his birthday and St. Pattys Day. =] And Gary hasnt been in my dreams lately. =[ COME BACK GARY! COME BACK! lol
  15. spaz

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    I had a dream last night and Gary was in it towards the end. Everything before Gary showed up made NO SENSE because it was all like Mario and Yoshi worlds and stuff, but then once Gary showed up it was back to the real world and I got his autograph. I wish that was real. Even if I had to go...
  16. spaz

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    I deffinatly have to rent that movie ASAP!
  17. spaz

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Holy Crap I think I might explode. I havent been on in a while due to the fact that I moved and have to unpack blah blah I come to this thread and at the top of the page see something about Lt. Dan OF COURSE I go back to see them....and I did...and ....OMG I could have...
  18. spaz

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    lol. All this cake talk is making me hungry. WAIT! I have a piece of cake left from when my sister made some. -goes to get it and hopes it has Gary in it- lol that would be a nice surprize.
  19. spaz

    Mac #5: Back In Black!

    AH SPOILERS! They were too tempting. I had to read them. -__- Anyway, I love how everytime I come back here I have lots of new pictures to look at! Thanks! :)
  20. spaz

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Id take care of him! :) I dont think he'd like to have a 16 year-old as a sweetheart though... damn it. :(