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  1. C

    Jigsaw Puzzle

    If anybody has figured out 'Unbalenced Death' could you please tell me cause i think i lost a few pieces and my UV light does not work at i'm pretty much stuck for a long time. So if anyone has the answer, please tell me cause i wanna know!
  2. C

    CSI books.

    I've got like 8 CSI books. I've only read 2 of them so far. I have(they're all LV): CSI: Snake Eyes CSI: Body of Evidence CSI: Sin City CSI: Binding Ties CSI: Grave Matters (and yes it is grave matters cause i actually looked at my books) CSI: Double Dealer CSI: Killing Game (i've read) CSI...
  3. C

    CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

    A:We'll go with........Roman Candle B:Defiantly dry :lol:
  4. C

    Destroyed Remains: LV CSI FanFic

    I just caught this story now and yeah, some of the characters would not act the way they do but that's what makes it interesting. At least that's what i find. Plaese write more soon, i can't wait to see what happens. :D
  5. C

    Past's Revenge- Part 1 (Snickers)

    Yeah, keep it going i wanna know what happens to soon.
  6. C

    CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspense

    Re: CSI LV fic "A sick man's game" Greg centered drama/suspe It's great so far and I can't wait till the ending. Post soon. It would be cool (and not cause Greg gets hurt) if that was an episode on the show.