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  1. sarramaks

    Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No Shirt

    Re: Danny/Carmine #9 -Just a Dirty Pair of Jeans, Maybe No S It stands for The Powers That Be - the writers and the folks in charge. It had me stumped for awhile when I first saw it.
  2. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 15 Swordfish 21 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 18-1=17 Bass guitar and glue 6 Live octopus 35+1=36 Wedding dress 14
  3. sarramaks

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    I agree that there was no need to replace Aiden with a new female character immediately, they should have stuck to filling the vacant CSI position with Hawkes and let him have the screen time. While I would like Lindsay to have a sharp exit early in the third season, I don't think its going to...
  4. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 15 Meat hook 2-1=1 Swordfish 21 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 18 Porcelain doll's arm 1 Bass guitar and glue 6 Live octopus 32+1=33 Wedding dress 14
  5. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 15 Meat hook 4 Cue stick 1-1=0 Swordfish 18 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 17 Porcelain doll's arm 5 Bass guitar and glue 7 Live octopus 30+1=31 Wedding dress 12
  6. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 14 Meat hook 5-1=4 Cue stick 2 Swordfish 19 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 16 Porcelain doll's arm 5 Bass guitar and glue 7 Live octopus 28+1=29 Wedding dress 13
  7. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 14 Meat hook 5 Cue stick 2 Swordfish 19 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 16 Porcelain doll's arm 7 Can of green paint 1-1+0 Bass guitar and glue 8 Live octopus 24+1=25 Wedding dress 14
  8. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 13 Meat hook 6-1=5 Cue stick 3 Swordfish 17 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 15 Porcelain doll's arm 8 Can of green paint 3 Bass guitar and glue 8 Live octopus 23+1=24 Wedding dress 14
  9. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 12 Meat hook 9-1=8 Cue stick 5 Swordfish 16 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 14 Porcelain doll's arm 8 Can of green paint 5 Bass guitar and glue 8 Live octopus 19+1=20 Wedding dress 14
  10. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 12 Lye 2-1=1 Meat hook 9 Cue stick 7 Swordfish 14 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 13 Porcelain doll's arm 8 Can of green paint 5 Bass guitar and glue 8 Live octopus 18+1=19 Wedding dress 14
  11. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 11 Lye 8-1=7 Meat hook 10 Cue stick 8 Swordfish 12 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 11 Porcelain doll's arm 9 Can of green paint 8 Bass guitar and glue 9 Live octopus 13+1=14 Wedding dress 11
  12. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Diamond bra 12 Lye 8 Meat hook 10 Cue stick 8 Swordfish 11 Steering wheel lock turned shotgun 11 Porcelain doll's arm 9 Can of green paint 9 Bass guitar and glue 10-1=9 Live octupus 11+1=12 Wedding dress 11
  13. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Sounds good - or how about best murder / most convincing villain?
  14. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Tanglewood 5-5=0 On The Job 113+5=118 I think this means On the Job has won!!!
  15. sarramaks

    CSI:NY - Elimination Game #2

    Tanglewood 15-5=10 On The Job 103+5=108
  16. sarramaks

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    I second you, 1CSIMfan, maybe if we shout loud enough they'll hear!!
  17. sarramaks

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Any ideas on how she can be fixed? My feeling is that we'll find something out about her 'dark past' early on in season three. I don't think it will be family related, I suspect it will be to do with work, along the lines of being involved in a bad shoot. If they can give her a little more...
  18. sarramaks

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    ^I don't think she will go for that reason. They will have to make it work. They need to build on what little there is of Lindsay's character to suit Anna's acting, drop the Danny flirting business which is best left in the realms of fanfiction for all the reasons given above ^^, and give...
  19. sarramaks

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    ^I agree that she needs to show some different emotions, I just wish they were acted and written better when she does. RE her dark past being linked to Stealing Home - if it was TPTB should have made it more overt. I was wondering if there was some foreshadowing of future storylines about that...
  20. sarramaks

    The Dynamic Duo: Danny and Flack

    ^And of course, Top, you wouldn't mind at all if that scene didn't happen at Flack's desk and in a bedroom, perhaps? Maybe with a shirtless Danny... (been reading far too many slash fics!)