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  1. S

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    I've actually fanficced that song for Nick/Greg! And you can read it here.
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    New ficlet/fic by me. "Second Thought," deals with Greg and religion. Speaking of fic, I'm finally starting to edit my fics and upload what I actually like to WMTDB :lol: Took me a while but I'm starting to. My goal is to post one or two fics a day.
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    As a matter of fact, they did. I'll put it under spoiler just in case. It's hardly a spoiler, but you never know what one might consider a spoiler: Once again, their interaction is characterized by something kinky and sexual :lol:
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    Happy birthday Serenity!!!! Yeah, you can't tell us your wish, but I bet we're all thinking the same thing ;) :D
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    And for those asking about an Easter fic... I wrote one. Just's so fluffy. So so fluffy.
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    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #12

    I'm one of the few who didn't like Nick's longer hair. Especially in last night's ep - the scene where he, Sara, Grissom, and Catherine (I think) are sitting around a table discussing the case. Nick old. The hair added to it and made it look like he was straight out of a 70's flick...
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    Corny Commercials You Love (Or Hate)

    Saw one today, during CSI, that made me giggle stupidly. A mime is hitchhiking - it's a commercial for some car - and the car's doing all these fast turns and whatnot and when it stops the mime whispers "Wow" and then goes :eek: It made me laugh :lol:
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    What are you reading?

    I'm reading Annie Proulx's The Shipping News. God, I love her style.
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    Patricia Cornwell

    ^ You probably should put that in the spoiler text. That, uh, event is somewhat I know if anyone spoiled that for me I would be so pissed. In fact, it happened to me, because a friend lent me Black Notice instead of Point of Origin and I read the front cover and...yeah. :| Big...
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    Patricia Cornwell

    I LOVED Predator! As I was reading it, I was kind of like "It's good, as usual, but..." then I read the end. I think my jaw hit the floor. THE END! OH, THE END! I didn't see the twist at the end coming AT ALL. It made the book superbly great. Wow. Wow. Now, am I the only one who didn't know...
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    Patricia Cornwell

    I haven't really thought if any of them remind me of me. I see traits of myself in all of them at times, but no one particularly stands out. I got Predator from the library though! HECK YES!
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    Fashion (or Lack Thereof)

    I'm a slave to fashion and trends. AND I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT. Everything I wear is brand-name. In America the style's called "preppy" - my favorite brands are Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, and American Eagle. Polos, jeans, flip flops, puka shells...I love it all. For me fashion and...
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    :lol: Don't you love that? I've noticed that many of the most homophobic people are not only ugly inside but ugly on the outside. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean that they're going to hit on YOU, especially you people who are ugly in every sense of the word.
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    Patricia Cornwell

    I finished Blow Fly today! I was waiting for my friend to pick me up so I :lol: I decided I really like the multi-person narrative because right when something "Woah!" happens it switches to someone else and makes you really hungry for more. *starts Trace*
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    What are you wearing right now???

    Red tee that says "A Fitch" in white, faded, fuzzy letters across the chest with a little 12 on the bottom left and a big 12 on the back; Abercrombie & Fitch cargo shorts that I love. Had on white Hollister flip flops earlier but there's no pt in wearing them in the house.
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    Your Screen Name: What does it mean?

    I'll give anyone a dollar if they can guess where MY screenname is from! :p
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    Patricia Cornwell

    Spoiler here, so don't look if you haven't read anything. Especially anything from Point of Origin on. Blow Fly surprised me, and here's why! As for the format of Blow Fly, the way it's now 3rd person, at first I didn't like it but it's growing on me. However, Kay seems less...complex. It...
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    Oooh, concerts. They're fun. I've seen two in my life: - dcTalk's farewell tour, way back in like '97. Very fun. - Gwen Stefani and the Black Eyed Peas in Nov 2005. THAT was so cool! BEP especially were great - they did all their hits, all upbeat songs and they're just awesome live. Gwen was...
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    Oh, if anyone asked me Angelina or Brad, I'd say both. At the same time :lol: Jorja vs. Johnny Depp, though? Jorja. I'm one of those few people who don't think Johnny Depp's hot :lol: Nothing about him does anything for me :x
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    Patricia Cornwell

    I got Blow Fly and Trace today *dances around the room* I should have them and Predator done by the time At Risk is published!