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    ~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

    Ryan: H, have you seen the victim? H: what do you mean have I seen the victim? he's dead! how far could he have gotten?! Ryan and H: *Looks out window and sees dead body beating up calleigh*
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    Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party' Is there a link to the new thread?
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    Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party!'

    Re: Ryan/Jonathan #15 'One Kinky Party' Hey guys!!! I haven't been on here in forever! anyways, how are all of my fellow togoholics doing?
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Hey guys!!! just checking to see how everyone is doing.... hope you all are doing well!!! ;) :)
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Hey guys!! I'm just loving the abundance of ryan pics!! here are a few of the ones I love the most... :eek: ;)
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    I love the way you guys post pics with the little stories, they are really funny!!! :p :) :lol:
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Doesn't it just make you wanna get arrested by the MDPD? *Picks mind up out of the gutter* :devil:
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    Guest star wish list...

    I think I'd like to see John Cena from WWE Raw, and Alyssa Milano
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    Welcome To The CSI:Miami Forum!

    Happy new Year everyone.... Hope u guys had a good holiday!
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    KK I will remember that. Here, I will show you one of my favorite pics!! I have this thing for Ryan in the patrol uniform!!! :eek: :devil:
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    I know, how can you resist Ryan? he's just too perfect... I like the eppi nailed, the oly problem is that I always end up crying when he gets it taken out and alexx is holding his hand!! :(
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    I Know!!! aren't his eyes just that beautiful christmas green? they change to hazel too. I've never seen anyone with such green eyes!!! :eek: :devil:
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    I just immediately, like, fell in love!!! I now own the season 4 DVDs, and I cannot stop watching "Shock" and "Rampage"!! I think he looks absolutely adorable in the light blue in Shocked!!
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    Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #5: Beauty & The Babe-CaRWash! Hey guys!!! I'm new here, and quite a fan of the couple!! I hope to make friends with you all!! :) :D
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    I just recently started watching CSI Miami, like maybe three months ago, and I thought that I was going to faint when I saw ryan!!! I had no Idea who he was, he looked like an angel!!! :eek: :devil:
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Thank You!! :)
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    Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

    Hey guys, I am new here. I hope to make friends with all of you guys! and I have a question, How do I post pics?