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  1. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Long post alert. And I'm not very happy. (Also I'm posting this before reading anything else so maybe I'll feel better after this has been posted.) Okay, I'm trying to keep this as polite and even-tempered as possible but I just finished watching this episode and I gotta ask if anyone else (who...
  2. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Yes, you are being super nice so if someone here is a little on edge it's only because those writers don't give us anything on the Ryan/Calleigh front. Nothing. I don't watch this show regularly but every time I did Ryan's been either with the Night Shift transfer guy (ick), Jesse, or Natalia. I...
  3. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Am I going to be the first one to have to say it? Will the mods chastise me? Well won't know until I say it: Delko is gone. Some sites speculate a break-up. (I didn't even know he and Calleigh were dating! :eek:) Does anyone else think this might be good in terms of more scenes between our...
  4. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Isn't today the season premier of CSI Miami for the United States? I should know because I made a little reminder timer on my TV (the summary for the episode says that apparently there's gonna be a flashback scene via Horatio reminiscing on how his team first met or something. That might be good...
  5. Hestia

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Okay, so ever since I've stopped watching the original CSI, I have, I guess stopped posting here. Doesn't mean I've stopped loving sandle and in fact, recently, I've been looking around for some decent sandle fanart to showcase on another forum I frequent. I've looked around and either my Google...
  6. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Hi all! Long time no posting, I know... well I got a summer job and any free time is spent enjoying this crazy sunshine/rainy weather. That also kept me from catching up on half the season I missed like I said I'd do. :( It would help if I got a list of all the episodes worth watching (aka: the...
  7. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Okay, I haven't been here in a loooong time. But I did not drop dead or something since the last episode I saw... I just acted like a petty child. As soon as I saw a promo way back when with Calleigh and You-Know-Who kissing, I just decided not to watch Miami anymore. I guess I forgot to tell...
  8. Hestia

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Okay, so I finally saw the pics and just about fell out of my chair with joy. Now why can't the actors of my Miami OTP be all friendly like that in public? Have they ever even been at the same awards show? Ah well, that's for another thread. It's both a joy and a shame to see such sweet...
  9. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Okay, so I missed the glitzy episode with the lawyer played by Puffy... P.Diddy... Major Rapper Guy but it's just as well since it didn't look like we had much of a scene with them. I'll look for the episode and see that scene they shared between a glass wall (as described by the lovely...
  10. Hestia

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    I can't access the pictures because the link says I have to log in or something to see them! :( If somebody has the pictures of Eric and Jorja at the star ceremony (BTW, congrats to Billy for making it to the Walk of Fame) can someone please post them? While I wait, I'll try and answer that...
  11. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Well that's just lousy on our end. I know this show isn't big on continuity but they if they put Ryan on the job without even checking him up (and denying us of him and Cal sharing a hospital scene) simply to keep him from interrupting the overly mooshy bedside scene with he who is compared to...
  12. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    The last two Miami episodes I've watched had promising CaRWash scenes but then ended with angst on behalf of the other Calleigh ship. Booo... :( BUT the scene we got in the horse racing episode a few weeks ago and then the beginning scene from yesterday's episode made my shipper heart smile...
  13. Hestia

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    I miss Sara. The last CSI episode I saw was the one with the new guy, Raymond Something. I haven't been watching anything after that and I probably won't be persuaded to unless a commercial gives me reason to do so otherwise (particularly if we get a Sara cameo). I guess the ending of Grissom's...
  14. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    We have a title! Wonderful. :D Can anyone remind me what episode/scene the quote came from? I'm not very good with CaRWash scenes. And that kind of sucks when I'm trying to make a graphic dedicated to this pair. :lol: I remember them having some nice lab scenes early on and I had some pictures...
  15. Hestia

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    A happy. sandlish new year to you too Eva. :) Don't be a stranger! (I love staring at your icon when you pop in.) Karu Mila, we all know Greg would totally spend the day with Sara if he could on New Years. But as it stands, the long distance between them hampers that dream a bit. She seems to...
  16. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #8 New thread! Yay! Thanks Karu Mila; what a great way to start the new year. And may I just say that I adore the CaRWash dictionary? I'll see if I can try and make some kind of fanart or banner for this thread sometime this weekend. Ryan's resolutions rock! :lol: (Heh...
  17. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash We're so close to a new thread, how exciting! :D Does anyone want to start it? Karu_Mila? Or whoever suggested what seems to be the front runner in the title category: "Give Me A Chance" A quick tally just in case anyone's interested: Three...
  18. Hestia

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Delayed reaction time... OMG, Silhouette!?! :eek: You stopped by and I missed it!? Come here, you! And just because you asked (and it's the holiday season) Positivity cookies for you! And I'm busting out the Blue Hawaiian coffee fountain (or funtain): Wooooo! My dear EvaStar is...
  19. Hestia

    Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash

    Re: Calleigh & Ryan #7: "You’re fantastic" - CaRWash We can just do a regular non-poll poll. :) The suggestions are as follows: 1) Give Me a Chance 2) The Diamond Bond 3) 'Cause He Knows Her Guilty Pleasure 4) Big Day Coming Up 5) I Know What You Wanted 6) Apologising With Flowers? Calleigh...
  20. Hestia

    Sara/Greg #13: Sandle - The Ship of Hope

    Really? How cool! Does your roomie have a weird allergy to a certain mildew? :lol: I'd love it if you could post lyrics plus a translation. We could post the song on Sara's birthday (September 16)! As for your spelling question, according to Google, it's spelled Norwegian, but that's American...