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  1. L


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** Chloe is so awesome :D Let's just hope that the new girl doesn't get any more parnoid than she already is or that her freakiness wont screw up something at CTU.
  2. L

    What are you wearing right now???

    Jeans a navy blue hoodie and a khaki blazer over that. ETA: Uh... kazzy I think you meant socks and not... well yeah :lol:
  3. L

    Your Screen Name: What does it mean?

    I'm gonna guess that your name is from that Greg and Grissom quote. Grissom: Greg! Greg: Yeah. Grissom: Take off your shoes and socks. Greg: See, now we're getting into this whole strip forensics thing and I'm not too sure I can hang with that - even if you are my boss. So did I win?? :D...
  4. L


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** Ooo the Jack/Audrey makeout moment was too cute. And only Jack would be throwing his "girlfriend" against a wall one minute and then getting tazored the next trying to protect her :lol: That new girl is so creepy especially when Bill just brushed his hand...
  5. L


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** Does anyone know of a good 24 clips site? My friend wants to make a music video and she has been searching for season 4 clips and can't find any. If you have a good website you can PM it to me. Thanks!! :D
  6. L


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** I found this info on the tv guide website (read at your own risk)
  7. L

    Who has a LiveJournal?

    I just got a Live Journal yesterday! :D You can visit my page here I must warn you that it's not very interesting :lol:
  8. L


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** Gasp Audrey may have sold intel to a person linked with terrorists!!! :eek: It looks like that what little of a relationship Jack and Audrey have together is going to die a painful death next week. That scene from next week in the interrogation room where Jack...
  9. L


    w00t go NorCal and Bay Area! :lol: I remember reading somewhere that Adam teaches a class over at the San Francisco Academy of Art. Me and my friends thought it would be funny if we took the class just so we could meet him :D
  10. L

    Stupid/Embarassing things you/someone you know has done

    Re: Funny stories - stupid things you/someone you know has d Since I live near the coast we get a lot of seagulls at our school, and they like to eat our leftover food and are constantly flying around at lunch time. Well I was sitting next to my friend Cameron and a seagull flew above us and...
  11. L

    Ups and Downs for the Day

    Down: I finally heard back from UC Davis and was rejected :( Up: I had my first guitar lesson today and it was pretty fun :)
  12. L


    Yeah the explosions rock! :D I don't remember any specific episodes either, but those two are so hilarious and I love learning which myths are true and which aren't. And since I live in California I recognize a lot of the places where they've filmed. So when me and my dad are watching the show...
  13. L

    Jokes Thread

    LMAO that is hilarious :lol:
  14. L

    Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

    Mmm Got Milk? :lol: sorry I had to mention that :D I love milk especially with dinner!
  15. L


    Re: 24 ***may contain spoilers*** ^ Oh my f***ing goodness! I love you CSI_mania those were so hilarious!! :lol: I have got to show those to my friends they will be cracking up! I don't want to believe he is dead. I mean we didn't see him physically die yet right? So either I'm the eternal...
  16. L

    Ups and Downs for the Day

    Well I was accepted to Sacramento State, San Francisco State, San Diego State, and I haven't heard back from University of Davis yet. So I have some options, but I really had my heart set on going to Los Angeles :(
  17. L

    Ups and Downs for the Day

    Down: I just found out that I didn't get accepted to UCLA which was my top pick for college :( Up: I guess I don't really have an up :(
  18. L

    Jokes Thread

    So you call Laskari's joke bad but you post really tasteless jokes that can be offensive to people? That makes a lot of sense. :rolleyes:
  19. L

    Welcome to the Forensic Science Thread!

    Glad I could help! :)
  20. L

    What are you wearing right now???

    Dark blue jeans with a leather belt, a light blue t-shirt, and long socks to keep my legs warm! :D