Welcome New Moderators!

Everyone, please give a warm welcome to our three new Shipper Central moderators, HappilyHappy, (Adorable_Crazy) Adam's_Angel , and hhunter. ;)
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Welcome guys...this sounds a little weird since I have known Steph and Heather for quite a while. lol. Anyway, glad to have you take care of the forum. Good luck and have fun! :)
So many changes... Good luck and congratulations to Happilyhappy, Adorable_Crazy and hhunter! You'll all do fabulously I'm sure.

All the best to the leaving mods too, good luck out there in real life (or in Fan Art, in Kat's case). :)
Welcome to the New Mods!!! :D

Farewell and goodluck to those leaving or in Kat's case moving :)
Welcome Adorable_Crazy and hhunter :D Happilyhappy, enjoy your new home!

adorelo and Kimmy, best of luck with RL.
Ohhh have fun new mods! Good luck with the work-load, haha. Aww, I'll miss the green side, but I'll be around from time to time.

Promise I won't forget you all!
Happilyhappy, Adorable_Crazy and hhunter! Welcome.:thumbsup: It's great to have you here. I know you will all do wonderful. And good luck to our ex Mods who are going off to greater things.:lol: Except Kat who's back in the Fandom side of the world.:)
Congrates Happilyhappy, Adorable_Crazy and hhunter! I only come over to shipper central evry so often now but im sure you'll all do a great job :)
Congrats to all the new mods! I am sure you will love your new home!

We will miss you Kimmy and Adorelo! Don't be strangers!
Thanks so much for all of your good luck wishes and sweet words. Good luck to Heather and Heather. Hope we can do as good a job as you Rhonda. :D Good luck to the previous mods in real life, and Kat in fanart. :D
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Congrats to all the new Mods! I'll be sure to be on my best behavior! I bet you will all do great.