Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #6: A Beautiful Soul

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I love those photos from What a Pair! I just wish there was some audio of it. :(

They both look great in those photos. Thank you :)
Jorja with Garry at Golden Globes
Awesome Inxs how so appropriate:thumbsup: so perfect the two goners, and together, so beautiful:drool: and in real life single, I wonder if they've been chatting about all of this?

wow, she was young int that shot. I wish she'd stop smoking, it would make her age less fast. DO you know when that picture was taken? I mean, what year it was taken in?
I agree, Jorja_Rain. I've always found it interesting that she's a vegetarian and likes to surf, which are both indicators of a healthy lifestyle and yet she's smokes. :( It's an addicting habit.
I've often heard and read her mentioning that she loves drinking, that's not healthy either. I personally don't care whether she smokes or not, it's not like I'll ever meet her and smell it :p
I don't think she's a great role model, though. A lot of young girls look up to her, because she's an actress on a famous show and people are attached to her as an actress as well as to her character. Then again, she never told anyone it's cool to smoke, just that it's hard to quit. And, as stated before, she's living proof that smoking doesn't contribute to a youthful appearance. :p
Glad you enjoyed that little pic. tigger_willows and welcome to the board, the pic. was on his 'fridge' and is from "Grissoms Divine Comedy" a few week's ago, actually the scene was deleted but had Cath finding this photo on the fridge' and asking "How long have you and Sara been together" but it is cute, and so long ago! Here's one of her and handsome George, they all seem to enjoy each other's company off and on the set:thumbsup:


thanks muchly my lovely. that's why i haven't seen. i would totally love to see that scene, shame that it never made it to the episode. is there any way to see it i wonder? hmmm. cute picture of her and george btw

tigger_willows xoxo
Yeah, it would have been great to see it, but I guess Carol Mendolsohn thought it wasn't appropriate and cut it, however you're into research Alex posted the video, of that scene, and I think it's on the S/8 pic. thread, so if you want to see it it's there:thumbsup:

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