Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

i haven't watched it yet but just the pic is like "The sacred family" painting. Look at Stell and Reed and Mac at his side. A-ma-zing! i guess they heard our pleas of "Mac, Stella and Reed family" (That's why i say they read us. How many times did i read about Reed/Mac and Stell inside this thread?)
Regarding Jordan, well i never liked her despite of i have never seen her :D :D :D Actually in 2 or 3 weeks i'll have that episode
i do insist Stell needs a female buddy. Lindsay could work if they write her properly.I don't want Quinn. It doesn't matter she becomes into Saint Mary around Stella :D
Which i find interesting some people are saying original plans were changed about Jordan. She was going to be Mac's new love interest and suddenly they make her the silliest woman in N.Y :D

Debbie ;)
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

yaaaaaay. i love our new family : ]

it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside XD

csipuddin'cup LOL! :lol: yeah that kinda made my brain wonder for a bit. :p thanks. i needed that.

haha. your very welcome mj :lol:

and you can call me kelsey. of kels :p whatever floats you boat. heckz, even call me jane doe. hahah. ;)

Debbie annnd ffjunkie. i love your avies!!!

ff's made me giggle.

debbies made me swoon :eek:

now only if i can somehow manip mac into a fireman...:rolleyes::p:lol:

and the whole mac and whatsherface thing. becoming love interest. and then we mention stella and stalker guy. said that she was going to be VERY friendly with him.

anybody notice a pattern here?? their tricking us so that we dont suspect anything. but we've become good detectives from watching too much CSI :lol:

The fact that Reed thought Stella was Claire when we first met him!

ik!!! i was like. hmm. reed as claires offspring. i was like dude! you think thats your mom!

he could prolly convince mac to make a move. and he thinks shes his mother, then we'll make her his mother :lol:

ya know what i'm sayin?
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Thanks about my avatar, Ghawazee and CSIsPuddingCup! It's not mine, I think I got it from if I remember correctly :D

I'm loving our new family too, that pic is great! I think I get to see "Taxi" in a week so I am looking forward to that! I haven't been able to get on here a lot lately (stupid exams :brickwall: :D) so at least I had some presents to come back to! I need to find the "Family" scene though. Anyone know where to find it? *glances at ranma because she's so reliable with teh SMacked goodies* :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Yeehaaw everyone! Do you still remember me?? Wasn't in this thread for ages!! Good to be back though!

All those Smackness we just got! I totally love it. And yes, I do see your point of them maybe taking the next step. It WAS indeed a rather irritating reaction to that "You guys are working together way too long". Haven't seen anything after that but reading all of the spoilers and stuff in this thread, it already makes my heart jump! I can't wait to see the eppy where Mac is taken hostage. Pls, TPTB, make it another hug (or rather a full mouthed kiss :devil: ) between them! I am serious! It's almost time for the final! They NEED to give us a really good season ending! We waited for soooo long!

Cheers everyone - to Smackness!! It's good to be back! :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I do remember in the past (pre-writer's strike) how we were talking about TPTB reading threads here at TalkCSI. I do believe that.

(they even STOLE my ideas hahahahahahaah.....)

I think they are keeping us in suspense but in the VERY end, SMACked will end up as canon.

Fic update => I've decided to make it a POV fic and yes, Mac will be of royalty and Stella will be a peasant. Soooo excited!
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

A quick trip inside this marvelous therad to say:

Kels: God (and writters) hear you please! we need more Reed, Mac and Stell together. Maybe a pizza in Reed's apartment or a dinner in Stella's new place. I do not care. I just want that family reunion again :D and i do see a pattern. They dont want us too suspicious. Well we'll try not to be but please! give us Smacked :D

Hey Bonataylor!!!!!!!!! nice to have you again here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Chaostheory (may i call you Cath?) I'm reading Since that cold november day. WONDERFUL. MARVELOUS. You made me cry several times (i have not time now but i'll quote you later)
Please Ladies, read her story!

ffjunkie-->i'm glad you liked it. I don't have the video but
Nattybatty55 gave us a big Smacked gift!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was having problems saving her pics and she managed to fix it! If you want, say Thanks to her on our behalf

Take a look (and do not faint :D

hugs Smackers! i'm so glad this thread is living and enjoying!

Debbie :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I like how everyone is referrring to Reed, Mac and Stella as a family. That's a great step in their relationship.

I loved also how both of the 'supposed love interests' for Mac, Jordan and Quinn were both taken down by Stella. She knows how to protect her man. :lol:

I'm looking forward to the finale
I'm hoping that everything turns out okay for both Mac and Stella. I hope they DON'T have a huge cliffhanger like in Vegas and that Mac can get out of the hostage situation and get on with his life with Stella. :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Hi heather, you were missed here! :D

Melina mentioned (if)they could hook up it would be only in Season 9 or 10. I think they heard our groans of sorrow :D :D :D

If they wanted just to keep our hopes on Smacked, They should give us just a couple of scenes in the last episode. But they have given us (for at least last 5 episodes) constant Smacked scenes. The big question is Why!!!!!!:D :D :D

Debbie :D
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Hey, at least there's still a possibility for SMACK to happen! Granted that we have to wait long, but that gives TPTB more time to reinforce their relationship. Still it wouldn't hurt if they threw us a bone during the finale... *puppy dog eyes*

Anyways, of course Mac, Reed, and Stella are like family, Reed thought Stella was his mother. If it weren't for Stella, Mac wouldn't have Reed, who is his link to Claire. I kind of like to think that Stella essentially united this little family. I hope we get to see more family moments next season.
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Thanks for those pics, Ghawazee! I must thank nattybatty the next time I am in the Mac thread. :D

EDIT: I just found this in the Spoiler thread, so obviously I probably wouldn't watch if you don't want to be spoiled! :D

It's a video from the season finale. There's a bit of Worried!Stella so I thought I'd just put it here anyway :D
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Aw Karu Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are totally right about that. She helped Mac to be with Reed. She gave advice to be in touch with it when Mac was unconvinced and now she saved Reed's life. Hopefully we will have more of this great family. Stella is not Claire but Claire is blessing Stella and she is giving such wonderful advices to Mac. That scene in Mac's office when she "lectured" Mac is so perfect! It was funny how much she knows Mac...and Reed. Which makes me think Stella was in touch with Reed and not only through Mac.....
I loved Reed since the first time he came up. And he didn't fail us :D :D The funniest thing was P. was Mac's lady at that time but Reed only thought Stella was his mum ha-ha
I love that first scene in Consequences because Stella called Mac all worried and he went inmediately where she was (in that bar). They were gorgeous...almost like a date *sigh
I'm hoping they have decided to give us Smacked sooner than we expected :D We would have had only Smacked in this season finale but they are giving us Smacked scenes for weeks now :D

Debbie :D

ps: I just love the CBS promo ffjunkie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAve you seen the CTV promo as well? Stella asks "Where is Mac" (she was with Flack and she didn't have any idea he was inside)
And then in the CBS promo she is all upset (it's obvious she's just found out he was inside)
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I am making friends with next comment... I already know... ;) :lol:

I don't really see this whole family thing. I just watched the last two eppies and I have to say that this Mac, Stella, Reed, family thing doesn't come through to me. At the moment Stella and Mac are really sweet but also so tentative with each other, apparently (according to us :devil:) because there is more going on, so I rather think of Reed as a "bridge" to work out those embarassing silence that might build up otherwise. (see Flack scene) They would have helped anyone in the same way. In the end, they are cops! They are supposed to!

I think Stella really supportes Reed towards Mac, but I don't think there is a deeper meaning. She just cares for Reed. Stella and Mac can hardly focus on each other to work things out emotionally, leave alone including a "family member" into their relationship.

Like I said, I am just about making friends here, I know, but I do think that Stella is really focusing on Mac and his relationship to Reed because she knows that HE needs Reed as much as Reed needs a parent. I rather think she leaves herself out of this picture, even when she has so much herself going on where she needs Mac in her life.

And now you are happily invited to disagree with me. That's totally fine! :D

Talking of the finale... I am seriously wishing for some HUGE SMACK moment. I am still not out of hope for a kiss... :devil: TPTB just built up so much tension. There MUST be a release in the very end!! :devil: :D

ETA: Thanks fastfoodjunkie for the link to the promo! :thumbsup:
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

I don't think you are in risk of losing friends Bonataylor! :D Actually i think you could help us to stay rational. If it comes to me they would be married right now :D :D : Unfortunately just next week i'll be able to watch "DOA for a day" so i have to wait a little bit to these episodes so i cannot give you a fair opinion about this.
I only say the pic Natty gave us is just perfect as the Sacred Family Painting. Maybe because they are so alone, so lost in this world that we want them to be together right away

Debbie :D :D :D

ps: Natty has made us another GREAT gift. Check this!
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Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Bonataylor - i agree with you. the whole family thing that got me was that scene. sure they are cops but its adorable. there was just somthing about that scene...ya know. going into the scene seeing reed all bloody like that and what not i was so uh oh... if dies mac will be destroyed! and stella definetly thought about that. its such a cute scene tho : ]

Chaos - haha. mac a royal and stella a lowly pheasent. thats awsome hahaha. i can just imagine, stella captured by a fueding counrty thinking that she was someone else. she is brought to the castle dungen where she wakes up. she is brought up to the royals and they did not reconize her so they decided to keep her anyways. she gets aquainted with king macith and for a few months they get to be very close. stella soon misses her homeland and asks macith to bring her to her home. but macith is so in love with her, he hesitaits, but loves her so, he takes her to her family. stella is reunited with her family and macith rides back to his castle very sad. he sits in the dark castle alone, when stella was there everything was beautiful and bright, now its merly a black and grey and damp. a few months latter, macith can't take it anymore so he returns to stellas home where he finds her crying in a field with her dog jean. it seems her family has just abandoned her and macith comes to save her on his trusty steed. its starts raining and they have one of those scenes ((like the famous one from the Notebook and bill and jo's scene in Twister where he confesses his love...sorta :p)) macith declares his love for her and she rides back with him on his steed with her doggy jean running along with them. stella becomes queen and they happily ever after.
where they also meet Roger the Shrubber. hahah

wow... got carried away there...:lol::lol::lol: with a little monty python and the holy grail thrown in :p haha goodness....

hhunter- hahha. taken down by stella. it reminded me of womans wrestling or boxing or SOMTHING. stella against quinn and mayor lady. haha. still makes me giggle at the image... :p hm...maybe i'll do stella, quinn and mayor lady all big and strong with mac the fireman waiting behind in the crowd manip :lol:

Melina mentioned (if)they could hook up it would be only in Season 9 or 10. I think they heard our groans of sorrow :D :D :D

debbie! she said that!? hahah. thats greattt. although i wouldn't mind i guess. that just gives us more time and more scenarios for fanfics and what not. and dont forget the little cheek kisses n hugs :p and the flirting. that all just makes it more fun :D

also give my thanks to natty XD

one last thing

i was listening to music last night and akon came on the radio. Smack that.
haha. i was like omg! SMACK that. that could totally be our thing to quinn and mayor lady, next time stell takes em down. i'll be like SMACK that! quinn/mayorlady!!! haha. ohh! lip smakers! haha the chapstick. lip SMACkers. :devil::guffaw:

ok i'll stop now :p XD
Re: Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"

Hey Ghawazee -- call me Cate. Everybody else here does. :) Thanks for reading "November". I do have other SMACked fics over at my

CSIsPuddingCup -- haha, it's okay. I'm still constructing the story but yeah, it'll be SMACky in the end.
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