slightly OT: my CSI: NY novel is out

Discussion in 'CSI: New York' started by KRAD, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. ericisacutie

    ericisacutie Lab Technician

    Nov 28, 2006
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    oh okay, thanks. So that means I would have to try and contact Pocket Books?
  2. flackfan_82

    flackfan_82 Witness

    Sep 25, 2007
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    you are so very welcome ;)

    Finished it today, four days after purchasing...had a very hard time putting it down to sleep and work!:)

    without spoiling it for others, I must tell you that you did a fantastic job of personifying the characters, in my a devoted Flack lover, I loved all the little bits of Flack you managed to squeak in ;) ...And chapter 13 was fan-friggin-tastic to read :D :D :D

    Much kudos! hope you keep up the writing and can't wait to see something else of yours :cool:
  3. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Headsup that Walmart has it...they didn't used to have CSI books but now I'm seeing them. Got a LV one too a bit back although I passed on the Miami one. The one good thing about Walmart is you pay $5.95US instead of 7.99 US lol.

    Anyway, I havent' started it yet but I've flipped through it;I always do before reading a book...guess it's an extension of my spoiler love lol. There are some good parts that I've seen although I won't say much to avoid spoilers for anyone else. *hugs Flack though*I love your author page btw. Funny.

    I have a question. I'll spoiler code it just in case.
  4. KRAD

    KRAD Dead on Arrival

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Yes, but the fact that you aren't published is a bit of a roadblock. They tend to prefer to go with authors who are already established.

    Heh. Thanks!

    Thank you very much. I think I had the most fun with the four dream sequences (well, three dreams and one memory).

    Well, there's plenty of other stuff to read. Take a look here...

    Thank you very much!

    Er, there was no question and no spoiler code... :confused:
  5. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    We know Mac wore his dress blues for the funeral in Officer Blue...just out of curiosity, what made you decide to change it for the other two?

    Argh sorry lemme try again. I know what I did wrong now.
  6. mj0621

    mj0621 Pathologist

    Jul 27, 2006
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    i have to post this.
    i love it :D. The description and case/s really got me sucked into the book.
    the characters were well done too. :3 I personally loved the ending. :D
    i want to read the whole book again after my classes end XD.

    awesome work mr. KRAD. :D
  7. Dynamo1

    Dynamo1 Head of the Swing Shift

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Since Pocket Books has an annual book of fan fiction stories for Star Trek called Strange New Worlds, couldn't they do that with CSI? Possibly Strange New Cases? With three popular series currently running (and no Trek other than next year's movie), surely they should get a decent amount of submissions.
  8. KRAD

    KRAD Dead on Arrival

    Jul 23, 2007
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    As Mac thought during the final scene, neither of the cops in question were cops any longer, and he didn't feel right getting into dress blues for them.

    Thanks so much! I have to admit to really having fun with that final scene in the bakery. :)

    Actually, Pocket cancelled Strange New Worlds after ten volumes, and they never made any money off it. I'm not sure if there'd be any interest in an anthology....
  9. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    I did see that and was aware but then why do you think would he have worn it for the other funeral? That's what's confusing.
  10. MacsLady

    MacsLady CSI Level Two

    Mar 15, 2007
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    I totally agree. Out of all 3 shows, NY (IMO) has the most intriguing characters, and you really brought that across in the novel, not just through the dreams/memories bits (all fantastic by the way, and the Mac bit in chapter 15 just broke my ickle heart!) but also through the various team members' reactions to Gerrard.
    I liked how you showed that the Mac-Gerrard incident had fallout for the whole lab and the upper echelones of the NYPD too. I loved how you explored Danny and Sheldon's problematic relationships with Gerrard, which preexisted Mac's conflict with him over the Dobson incident. And, I don't often laugh out loud at books, but Danny calling him Deputy Inspector Scumbag Gerrard made me do so. That was so Danny!
    I also liked how you gave Flack and Angell a good, strong role in the novel, with them each having a part of the story told from their perspective. I liked the part with Angell watching/thinking about Stella, we never get Angell's perspective on the show, and it was so interesting to have it here.
    I loved the scene with Flack and Sullivan, it was so interesting to see Flack's life away from the CSIs. And also, the whole painkillers thing was so Flack, and very well written. I especially loved that part where Hawkes thinks Flack can be a real jackass when he chooses to be. Like I said in an earlier post in here, I like that you showed not just Mac's flaws (the Dobson thing) but Flack's too. He really was being a stubborn ass over those pills, I actually said 'FINALLY!' when he took the damn things.
    Excellent, excellent work, KRAD. I wish you wrote for NY on tv.
  11. AnJella

    AnJella CSI Level One

    May 20, 2008
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    I LOVED that novel. I bought it on and read in one day. I preferred it to the first three ones especially how you described the characters' thoughts and feelings...and the ending was awesome!!! What I also liked was that I was very up-to-date between Coming arround and Snow Day.:bolian::bolian:
  12. Tequesta

    Tequesta Rookie

    Aug 31, 2006
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    I got the novel last Saturday, and finished reading it that day. It is AWESOME, and wonderfully written:thumbsup:
  13. CSIFan119

    CSIFan119 Hit and Run

    Aug 16, 2007
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    I'm in the process of reading it now...I love it so far!!

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