Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

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I don`t know why I can`t watch it. I`m on dial-up so maybe it`s just slow and I`m inpatient. If I don`t make it, I`ll try tomorrow at school where I have a fast internet and I`ll see. But thank you for posting it:)
I love how Cal and Eric are always color coordinated. Everyone else was wearing lighter colors, but they were wearing dark colors in that first scene. A definite difference from last week's white.

I love how Cal felt the need to protect Eric about the paper. She definitely didn't want Ryan to concentrate too much on what was in her hand.

Eric busting down the door and slamming Cooper to the ground was more than I hoped for! I loved it! :) I was grinning all night. It was a funny contrast from when Calleigh went to see him. I bet he takes the website down now....

Also, tonight's ep better give us some E/C stuff. I'm wondering though if it will be a hospital scene next week (like what happened before) or if it will be at her rescue.
:) So excited!!!!
Thank you so much. I just watched those. Eric is so hot. I don`t know how Calleigh can not pin him to the wall and have her way with him... If she doesn`t want him, I`ll take him... But than again it`s obvious that she really cares about him. The look on her face in that other video says it all...

But the thing I like the most is the look that Eric has when he talks to her. It`s similar like the one he had in "You may now kill the bride", don`t you think? You know that I-love-you-so-much-and-I-can`t-take-my-eyes-off-of-you-so-I-can`t-fully-concentrate-to-what-you`re-saying look? I meld every time I see him looking at her like that.

Um, April fools?

Ugh, somebody write this ethics essay for me and I'll write a lot of fic. I think I wrote more fic in the past week than I've done in the four months before that. That means that the fic gods owe me and everyone who hasn't written anything in over two weeks needs to write something. I'm waiting.

Too busy watching and re-watching pissed off Eric to think of a title, but hopefully there'll be even more to work with after tonight. Whoo!
Well...I think it's safe to say that we're fairly emotionally charged right now :p. Goodness, you guys are too funny. As for a new thread title? Hmmm....what about the whole "nightshift" thing or "touching is extra" Or something. Goodness, I guess I don't really know. We should compile a list and take a vote.

Lucy, I'll totally write your ethics essay if you write fiction! Just tell me what I need to know, and I'll do it!
Jacks, I`ll help you with Somethingsdont`s essay!

Somethingsdont, please write more fanfics...

And as for the title of the next thread we could name it "Because he would kill if anything happened to her" or something like that... But I also like the "touching is extra". We should vote.
And about Horatio working in the lab... WTF? :cardie:
He hasn't been in the lab since they harvested his superhero sperm for artificial insemination because like Jacks said, Horatio was definitely spermjacked.

Ahhh, tomorrow cannot come soon enough!

Thank you! I'm glad someone agrees :D
I really liked the one that was something like Calleigh saving gas by riding a Cuban.

Hey, has anyone noticed that CSI:M has not put out any promontional cast photos this year? They've always put out some photos each season...but I've yet to see any this year. I was really hoping for some that had just Eric and Calleigh in them.
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Oh, yeah... That would be great... "She saves on gas by riding a Cuban"... That would be cool... Is there a possibility to have a poll or there is no enough time because we have more then 1000 posts now.
If someone wants to open the new thread (Eric/Calleigh #29: ) without a name temporarily, I can edit in a name later if you're undecided. :)

As much as I like it ;) the 'riding a Cuban' one might be pushing the PG-13-ometer.

Link to the Thread Title Rules.
Drat. And I was gonna suggest "Version Collective Female Orgasm" ;)

Probably starting one and editinhg the title in later is a better idea. You can go for it, Lucy. I think we just need all the links from the first episode and that's just copy and paste.
Somethingsdont, I think it would be cool if you wrote fanfic about EC rescue sex... I would write it but I`m really, really bad at writing sex fics. You, on the other hand, are great, and I think that you would be quite a fic...
Hey guys I haven’t been here for ages hope all you guy are happy and well. That_girl1, happybirthday!!! Anyone who’s birthday I’ve missed while I’ve been away happy birthday to you guys too !!!
Awww lucy cant we just push it alittle bit I like the title "She saves on gas by riding a Cuban" :lol: its funny and I'm to thick to think of anything else :lol:. Ok, guess not, it is pushing it. Still funny though :lol:
Just caught up with the last two episodes on you tube. I love who ever put them there :angel:.
These last two episodes have been good for us we’ve had googly eyed Eric at the altar with cal, although, after watching the promo, I was hoping for something a little more towards a daydream of sorts so I was a little disapointed. But still the look on his face was priceless it was so cute.
And we’ve had concerned :drool:.. angry:drool::drool:... sexy:drool::drool::drool:.... macho:drool::drool::drool::drool: does anyone have a towel to wipe my keyboard. Adam/Eric was hot in that scene, and the line ‘If something happens to her Copper, I’m gonna come back here, and kill you’. For me, that scene showed how concerned Eric was about her and how much he cares for her, that it made up for the lack of E/C scenes in the episode and all the H drama. Seriously H has so many issues he should have been on Jerry Springer a long time ago :lol: na in all honesty I like the character I just think the writers over do it a bit.
And Ryan where the :censored: does he get off speaking to Cal like that its not as if he’s so perfect when it comes to evidence. Remember season 5, I think it was backstabbers (I could be wrong :cardie:) when he compromised evidence, showing off to the camera with the luminol test . And thats just one of his screw ups. Its a shame that hes being such a arse all the time cause I used to like him in the begining but I've gone right of him now. You never know he may redeam himself tonight.
I hope they don’t just discard Calleigh finding Eric’s list, because it shows that things are not as well as they appear and it could give us a great scene between E/C. That is of course after all the hot rescue sex we’ll get to see. I wish :lol:

And one more thing from this very long rambling post :lol: Found this while going through the deviant art site. Its By red5 take a peek :) .
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