One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

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Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #10

Andreina - & SpeedsDaughter - you are both on!
Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #10

Confirmed challeges
cathwillows vs. cinegirl
wolfesgamergirl vs. CSI Dani
wolfesgamergirl vs. dstined4gr8ness
CalleighD vs. WolfeWhistle
DragonflyDreamer vs. CalleighD
CSI Kat vs. SpeedsDaughter
CSI Kat vs. Andreina

7 confirmed, 3 spots open

open for challenges


Have I missed anything?
Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #10

ILuvJonathanTogo I'll challenge you, if you'd like?! (You can choose the pic :p)
Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #10

If we need another person, I can take on an extra challenge :)
Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #10

Confirmed challeges
cathwillows vs. cinegirl
wolfesgamergirl vs. CSI Dani
wolfesgamergirl vs. dstined4gr8ness
CalleighD vs. WolfeWhistle
DragonflyDreamer vs. CalleighD
CSI Kat vs. SpeedsDaughter
CSI Kat vs. Andreina

7 confirmed, 3 spots open

Unconfirmed challenges
togo2hot vs. Twiztid4Togo
ILuvJonathanTogo vs. gsrLove

open for challenges


Have I missed anything?
Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #10

DragonflyDreamer I'll challenge you!? (But you can choose the pic, I wouldn't mind a Miami challenge if you want, but I don't know where to get the pictures hehe.)

And, ILuvJonathanTogo I'd still love to challenge you!!
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