Wallpaper Thread #7

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Phobia -- I snagged your Greg "Real Explosion" one. I love his spiky hair. All of your wp's are amazingly wonderful. I love them.
Phobia, you've been really at it. They're great.

Here's my latest. My inspiration has drifted away for a bit, so I used some old pics, but they're kind of my favourites.

Woe :eek: Phobia love that Flack one.

Jools one question... How do you do that thing when you like reflect/copy the pic?!?! PM me :D
Katpin, love your H-wall. Snaggling is okay with me.
Nat, in this wall I copied the pic, turned it ant 'glued' them together. I was kinda lazy. :devil:
Great walls everyone. :D

Jools, I snagged your Mac's walls of course :lol:

Katpin, also your "H" walls, they are truely gorgeous, and your backgrounds are beautiful. Great job. :) ;)

This is one I did for hhunter

LMH & CSISenna glad you enjoy my H walls. :D Here's a few more. Happy New Year everyone. LMH love the wall. Great job as always. :D

These aren't Horatio but they'll do just as well since they're of David Caruso. :lol:
Katpin those are gorgeous. Linda, that rocks. Seems we're all looking forward to the New Year.
This is my last one for 2007, since tomorrow's gonna be a busy day. Hope you all have a good 'slide through' and I hope to see lots of new walls in the New Year.

Great wall once again CSISenna. I also snaggled it. lol

Here's a wp I just did & one I made a yr ago when I was just first learning how. Not sure if I've learned anymore in a yrs time. :lol:

This one from "06"

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