Calleigh&&Natalia #01 - Simultaneous Release

( personally I think ELR just oooooooooozzzzzzzzzes straightness. As does EP actually. )
This is not a thread to discuss the sexuality of the actors. It is a thread to discuss Calleigh and Natalia. So, please stick to the characters.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes them together. They both need friends. I love that Cal was the first one to go to Talia when her ex showed up, and also in Rio when she was so willing to defend and help her. Calleigh finds herself in the mentoring role so often but she's just so good at it. And you can tell that she actually cares about Talia. Their scenes together always rock.
As if I didn't have enough ships to write about...this one comes along. Wow, I think of them as good friends. Love the fact that this thread is up and running.
i love Calleigh and Natalia together!! they're both smart, determined, strong, ass-kickin women. :D and they're hot. whats not to love? i think they're really good friends and probably need eachother, being the only chick CSIs. so they're like BFF and have sleepovers and watch movies, do eachothers hair...have pillowfights in their underwear. wait, i'm confusing reality with this dream i had the other night.

Aww, aren't they just sweet. God, TPTB totally need to give us a 'charlies angels' style episode!

Anonymous person: So you two are like Horatio's angels, huh?

Cal: *rolls eyes & smiles shyly* Yeah, I suppose my halo pops up every now & then.

Nat: *smiles* Hi Im Natalia, mine burst into flames a long time ago... nice to meet you.

Sugar & Spice; Naughty & Nice.... :D :D
I started a new thread cuz I didn't see this one, glad I got the link. I'm so happy to see that others like this pairing. My roommate and I thought we were the only two.
Hey everyone, I'm not much into Miami but I'm all for girl-slash, especially when it involves Calleigh. Can't say anything about their chemistry as I rarely watch Miami but they definitely provide a nice image together. ;)

So, more pics anyone?
I've got tons but not uploaded, I'll get on that.

I'm with you, I like anyone with Calleigh :lol:

I started a fic about Calleigh finding Natalia after Eric fixes her shoulder and getting the whole story out of her and then offering to help her with shooting. Posted soon hopefully.