New Faces For CSI

CSI Files

Mac Taylor (<font color=yellow>Gary Sinise</font>) takes a trip down memory lane.

In an upcoming episode of CSI: New York, Mac will be reunited with an old friend. According to Ask Ausiello, the two were best friends in their childhood, but Mac has not seen the man for thirty years. The producers are looking to cast a "name" actor to play the role.

It is also reported that CSI: Crime Scene Investigation will be introducing another new female character to the show. It has already been revealed that CSI will have a new forensic investigator named Veronica Lake (<font color=yellow>Jessica Lucas</font>), but this other new character will not be a member of the CSI team. Instead, she is an ex-mob wife in her early forties. She and her son are in the witness protection program.

This character may be introduced in the episode that <font color=yellow>William Friedkin</font> will be directing during November sweeps. The episode will reportedly have a mob-centric storyline. This woman might stick around and become a recurring character, and one possibility is that she could be a potential love interest for Gil Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Petersen</font>) after his relationship with Sara Sidle (<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font>) ends.

The original spoilers are from Ask Ausiello.<center></center>
CSI_Files said:
In an upcoming episode of CSI: New York, Mac will be reunited with an old friend. According to Ask Ausiello, the two were best friends in their childhood, but Mac has not seen the man for thirty years. The producers are looking to cast a "name" actor to play the role.
This would be a great time for a reunion of Lt Dan and Forrest Gump. Tom Hanks should be cast as the friend.
Yeah that'd be interesting :) I think I know what this is in reference to, the Chicago storyline. (uh it said spoilers so I can say that without code or can I?)

I'm not thrilled about the Grissom rumors, I like my GSR and I think it seems bad of him to jump into another 'ship right away.
The Grissom starting a new relationship thing is Ausiello's opinion not fact. In fact on 2 occasions just before GSR became fact he said it would never happen so he is not all knowing.

I don't think William Peterson would let them jump to another relationship so so IF his one with Sara ended. As Executive Producer he does have some say in what happens to his character.
"This woman might stick around and become a recurring character, and one possibility is that she could be a potential love interest for Gil Grissom (William Petersen) after his relationship with Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) ends."

That doesn't imply that it's a fact. ;) Anything at all is rumor at this point since we know nothing about this woman--I guess we'll see when she shows up.