CSI: Miami Look-a-likes...

I have a friend who looks almost exactly like Calleigh. Kristen (my friend) even has Calleigh's sunglasses, and didn't even know it! I pointed it out to her when she was wearing them, and she said she's heard of *this* Calleigh. I'm trying to find a picture but i can't! Ah! *start looking through My Pictures*
My psychiatrist, looks kind like david caruso, only skinnier. He has the red hair, the high eye brows and he even does the sun glasses thing, only with his prescription glasses. "Well, it's looks like....*dramtic pause while puting glasses on* you need a refill"
I asked once if I could take a picture because no one would believe me and he turned me down. :-(
My ex is very Ryan Wolfe like :lol: Seriously, it bugs me so much when I watch the show. He was more Mel Gibson copy, but with shorther hair he is just like him (Wolfe) :eek: With the eyebrow scratching and stuff.
I work with a guy who looks just like Adam, especially more now so than ever because he too, shaved his head. And this other guy I work with, looks like Johnny (Jake).

...sometimes I have a hard time concentrating at work. :devil:
I went to a teen/church camp type place and there was this one conselour named Ryan Wolf and he looked like...guess who...Speed! He did, it was totally creepy :eek:
haha!! that's funny because Ryan took over for Speed!!! lol!!

csimiamiaddict, i got to a teen/church camp too. and i go to the music program they have every summer and one of my couselors looks like Speed. also my other counselor looks kind of like Eric. and guess what...his name is Eric and this is funny because he's a fan of the show!!! and when i told him that he looked like Eric he said "yeah, i know who he is, i'm a fan of the show and get that all the time" so i spent most of the time talking to him about the show and my fav eps and characters and recent developments and stuff. it was awesome!!1