A GSR Fic So Silly It Dosen't Deserve A Name


Prime Suspect
Title: Its so stupid I don't want to waste brainpower thinking up a title
Rating: G
Spoilers: Fallen Idols (I could write pages about how much I loved that scene)
Summary: Yikes! The TV universe and the real world collide! If I feel bored this might have another chapter or two with some Bones or House crossover.
Grissom had maxed out on overtime, again, and now he was forced to go home and find something to do with his time. He had always been an avid reader but today he could not seem to concentrate on anything. He had first picked up the daily paper, but soon found that nothing interested him in the least. Then he tried a few journal articles he had been meaning to read, but to no avail. Now he had been trying to make sense of the words on the first page of a fiction novel for ten minutes but could not make his mind concentrate. He had never watched much TV and didn’t even own a DVD player.
Surveying the room, his eyes fell upon the PC Catherine had insisted he buy several years ago. He hardly ever used it but once he had heard Sara and Greg talk about putting friends names into Google to see if they had been written about or if there was someone else with their same name.
Deciding this could prove entertaining he typed “Sara Sidle” into the search box. He was surprised to see that she had a Wikipedia article about her. Clicking on the link he found that while it started out like a biography, the writer seemed to know things about her childhood that he knew that she would never admit to anyone, even if they were writing her biography. It was almost as if they had been there the night she told him about all that she had been through. The next section was a simple listing of her academic career, hardly secret, but the section following that one sent chills up his spine. Every time in the past that he had flirted with her, or hurt her, was chronicled. Now he was sure that someone was stalking both of them. Glancing at the clock he realized that his coworkers would be busy, and since he concluded that they were not in immediate danger he continued his research.
After visiting many websites dedicated to Sara herself as well as a woman named Jorja Fox who had to be Sara’s twin, Grissom found a thread of a website called TalkCSI. It appeared that it was a community of sorts where people, all of whom must be stalking and spying on them as a group effort, were discussing their relationship. He was relieved to see that they didn’t seem to have seen their most intimate encounters, but they had somehow spied on them when Sara shaved his beard in his windowless bathroom. Glancing at the clock again, he saw that it was close to the end of shift and Sara was probably back at the lab. Hitting speed dial 1 he waited through two rings before she answered.
“Sara, I think someone is stalking both of us. They have websites and everything, and…” he lowered his voice a little in case she was standing close enough to anyone that they could hear. “they know about us. They call it GSR, Grissom and Sara’s Romance.”
Sara chuckled. “Gi…uh Grissom, of coarse they know. We are on TV after all!”
ROTFLMFAO! Oh my gosh that was funny, please continue.... if only for a little while. Hmmmmm maybe you could incorporate some other "ships" even include a little bit about Miami and NY, that would be fun! Tehehe!!

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo
defiantly can get some other ships in there although I don't watch NY and Miami enough to do justice to the characters. Heres some crossover for my friends over at the Bones thread. And if u don't watch Bones, Booth is your friendly FBI sidekick to Dr. Brennan, a forensic anthropologist that he is sooooo in love with but shes dating this other agent so yeah. Watch out for all the dialouge! Tell me when I pass funny and hit lame
Grissom’s mouth hung open until a fly landed in it, just as his mother had always warned him one would.
“When did this happen?”
“Oh, I guess almost eight years ago now. Right before I came to Vegas.”
Looking around for the film crew he knew had to be hiding somewhere he asked “So the entire country saw…saw the last seven years of my life…and nobody ever said anything? They saw all the times….the….they saw all the experiments we did?”
“Yes if you mean the scientific ones” Sara replied distractedly. Grissom could hear the sound of her typing.
“They saw the explosion at the lab?”
“Uh huh”
“What about when I worked the Lurie case?”
“Yes Gil”
“ooooooh……how much of the night we got Nick back did they see?”
The typing stopped and Sara giggled uncharacteristically. “Not that part.”
“Oh,” he breathed a sigh of relief. “so they haven’t seen any dates or anything?”
“Nu-huh, no” the typing resumed.
“Are you sure that this isn’t some kind of joke?”
“Uh, no. I would tell you to go rent the DVD’s but we aren’t allowed. I just know what I’ve been told and well, the viewers really don’t know the half…”
Grissom interrupted. “May I ask who authorized this?”
“I dunno. Can I get back to work now Gil? I would really like to talk to you but I have stacks and stacks of reports to type, emails to write, money…uh, errands to run. I’ll be home for lunch at latest ok?”
Grissom sighed. “All right. Love you.”
“Lo…” Sara stopped suddenly and he heard her say hello to Nick. “Well thank you very much; I’ll be in for my appointment on Saturday then. Bye.”
After getting off the phone with Grissom, Sara made another call to back up the email she had just sent. Barely suppressing laughter she called FBI HQ and asked for Agent Seely Booth.
“Hey, it's Sara Sidle.”
“Hey, things getting boring out there in Vegas? Ya know I had fun when I was there but I think it was my spirit that made it fun, not the city itself.”
“Hey I happen to like it here, and we both know why you really had fun out here. Not only is this city quite…interesting on occasion, I think your company had something to do with it?”
“Yeah well, she’s currently taking a course in how to date with my best friend so that’s not happening.”
“Booth, she’ll come around eventually, just like I did. Anyway, I have some exciting news for you!”
There was silence for a moment before something finally clicked in Booth’s non-squint brain. “No way! He finally found out?”
“That will be fifty dollars. I want it by Friday unless Brennan gets really media smart all of a sudden.” Sara laughed, picturing his stunned expression.
“Fine. But you better pay up real quick as soon as Brennan takes her head out of her microscope!”
After hanging up Sara began flipping through her phone book for a second number.
ok, I guess this is the wrap up. Enjoy. Oh and I didn't figure out a way to tell you this actually in here and I really didn't care about this fic so, the second number Sara was calling was about work. I was trying to say she was supposed to be actually doing stuff.
Grissom was continually amazed by the accuracy of the so called fandom’s analysis. They had picked up on signals that neither he, nor Sara or everyone else at the lab, seemed to have noticed he was sending. It was when he found a page of theories that he began to get worried again. He pushed speed dial one. Cursing the busy signal that greeted him, he pushed speed dial two.
“Catherine, did you know about this? That we’re on a tv show called CSI?” he demanded.
“Um, yes. Does Sara know that you know this?” she asked tentatively.
“Yes, but that’s not the point…” he was interrupted.
“You know what Gil, I’ve gotta go. Bye”
Rolling his eyes he tried Sara again. Apparently she had seen the caller ID.
“What Gil?”
“Sara, are you pregnant?”
“Um noooo, what the hell are you talking about?” Sara’s expression begged to be made into a WTF icon.
“This says you are.”
“No….no I’m not.”
“Oh good.” Grissom’s voice was filled with relief. “Not that I wouldn’t want to have a baby with you, that would just be really hard right now.”
“No I understand Gil.” Sara’s voice went from a skeptical wall to a comforting pillow.
“What the hell…” Grissom mumbled to himself.
“What now?” Sara groaned.
“They think I’m the mini crime scene killer! Either me or you.”
“Well it’s not me, it’s not you is it?” Sara asked as if she were merely inquiring the time of day.
“I don’t think so, although I am prone to amnesia.”
“Huh. The viewers were right about us being together so why not the mini killer? Who else do they suspect?”
“Well, several people here seem to think it’s Hodges.”
“Ok hold on…” Sara covered the phone with her hand and called to Hodges who was across the hall. “Hey Hodges, are you the mini killer?” Talking to Grissom again she said. “He says no. What if it’s that creepy janitor guy?”
They continued on like this for almost a half an hour and would have gone on longer had Catherine not stopped by to talk to Sara about the evidence she was supposed to be processing.
“Sara, weren’t you on the phone last time I walked by here? You do have a job to do. Get a life really! None of this is real!”