Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #17

Yes the only time he is really animated when working a case seems to be when he is working with Morgan or even DB. But when he is working with Sara or Nick he is all too serious around them. I don't know why they have been writing him that way this season. It's a bit annoying. It's like the old team dynamic has been damaged in some way recently with all the newbies around.
Guess I'm in the minority. Since I despise anything related to GSR, Greg not mentioning Grissom was fine with me(more than fine). I just don't want to hear about it. That being said, I still enjoy Greg and Sara working together, they do it so well.

Another note. Greg's hair is getting a bit wild and free again, likin' it!
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Well no Greg spoilers...go figure. Oh well at long as he continues to get some decent screen time I am okay. I just don't want his time cut back suddenly.
The latest ep was Great, lots of Greg. I loved the episode as a whole, and the friendship between he and Sara was there again (as well as Nick).
Be sure to check out Shane's interview with Eric posted now.

Glad to hear he is still happy with the show. It would be nice to see him do another little movie again. Hope it works out.
Thank you Shane for the interview :)

CSI Files: It does seem that whenever Greg finds himself attracted to a girl, she either winds up dead or becomes a murder suspect, so Morgan does seem to be a safer bet…

Szmanda: [Laughs.] You’d think so.

This funny and horrible and true all at the same time :lol:

Then again, few on the show have great track records when it comes to relationships

^ Yes, love to him do another little movie or tv guest appearance somewhere in the near future
I laughed at that too. The CSI people just don't pick the right mates. :lol:

Szmanda: I think Greg is growing up; I’ve been on the show for thirteen years, and I think at that time I was a little bit immature and a bit sillier. To grow up and–whatever–change, I think it was just a natural progression for the character and me as an actor. I can’t do the same old shtick for thirteen years.
I was glad to see him say this too. I agree with him 100%. I've always hated when people say they wish lab rat Greg was back. People grow up and mature, especially if you have a career like that. Heck in my line of work which is pretty much customer service, over the years in dealing with people, I've become more cynical. It is just part of maturing.
I agree, I love the more mature CSI Greg. I don't miss him as a lab rat at all. So how was last nights episode as far as screentime goes?
His screen time was decent. He sort of disappeared midway but then came back on end a lot.
Another fair amount of Greg in last night's episode. I have to agree with the first part of this comment David Berman made.
#CSI #Eric Szmanda dude hasn't aged a day in 13 years. Curse him! And one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet
Another fair amount of Greg in last night's episode. I have to agree with the first part of this comment David Berman made.
#CSI #Eric Szmanda dude hasn't aged a day in 13 years. Curse him! And one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet

It's been a good year for him so far :)

Saw that tweet last night, made laugh a little :lol:

Liked getting a little sliver of backstory, high school wasn't so great for him, I always assumed so
Yeah we kind of always figured that Greg was a nerd in High School so he probably rather not think about it. Honestly I think if anyone goes to College afterward, they pretty much forget about college. At least most people I know who went to college. College is typically so much better.

Yeah he really does not look that much different from 13 years ago. Just different hairstyles. :lol: